• The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) has run the show for 37 years.

    ECONOMIST: The oil money may start to trickle down

  • The ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) won the country's first multi-party general election for 16 years, getting 80% of votes cast to 10% for the main opposition party, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA).

    ECONOMIST: Politics this week

  • Uganda supplied troops, equipment and training when Mr Bemba launched his rebel group, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo (MLC).

    BBC: Profile: Jean-Pierre Bemba

  • Savimbi formed Unita after failing to find common ground with other nationalist movements, notably the Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA).

    BBC: Obituary: Jonas Savimbi, Unita's local boy

  • Our correspondent says French forces who entered Kidal found members of the secular National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) there.

    BBC: French troops in Mali take Kidal, last Islamist holdout

  • The Islamists formed a broad and loose coalition in northern Mali, but only after they had allied with, and then turned against, the Tuareg separatists of National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).

    BBC: Why the Sahara is not the 'new Afghanistan'

  • With about 85% of the boxes counted, the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) had 73% of the nearly 4.9 valid votes cast, according to figures from the country's National Electoral Commission.

    CNN: Angola's ruling party declared election winner

  • With help from another rebel group, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, the Ugandans control the northern swathe of the country and are boosting their national income with the export of Congolese diamonds, gold and coffee.

    ECONOMIST: War and peace in Congo | The

  • Late last year Ansar Dine, a jihadist group constituted largely of local Tuareg, even joined the peace talks that the government had already started with the secular Tuareg rebels of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).

    BBC: France: How was it dragged into the Malian conflict?

  • By the time the first group of rebel fighters carrying the flag of the National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad drove past her house on April 1, the two had been seeing each other for several months.

    NPR: Woman In Timbuktu Punished For Forbidden Love

  • While the main Tuareg rebel group, the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (known by its French acronym, MNLA), did much of the early fighting, Ansar Dine took control of cities such as Timbuktu as government forces fled.

    CNN: Six reasons events in Mali matter

  • The constitution it enacted in 2010 means that Angola's next president will be chosen not by popular vote, but by the ruling party, which since independence in 1975 has been the MPLA (or Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola).

    ECONOMIST: The sound of dissent in oil-rich Angola

  • But the leader of the Congolese rebel group, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo's (MLC) Jean-Pierre Bemba, denied the allegations in an interview with the BBC's Network Africa programme, saying his troops were more than 20 kilometres outside Bangui.

    BBC: Chadians attacked in Bangui

  • Besides the crucial city of Kidal, which is now under the de facto rule of the rebel National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad, numerous towns and villages are still not fully under the government's control, making it unclear how they will carry out the vote.

    NPR: Mali Sets Date For Presidential Election In July

  • Leaders of Ansar Dine and the secular National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, or MNLA, even with their divergent agendas, may be coming to an accord on ruling the north, according to Flood, adding Ansar Dine may be connected to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.


  • He blamed the military arm of the Justice and Equality Movement faction of the Sudan Liberation Movement for the most recent round of violence, and he accused the government of using "disproportionate force" and failing to differentiate between civilians and rebels in their response.

    CNN: U.N.: 100,000 more dead in Darfur than reported

  • For some years the nationalist movement Flec (Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda) has been trying to claim independence from the Angolan government.

    BBC: Africa Cup of Nations: Venue guide

  • As important, there are strong indications that significant amounts of Russian arms purchased by Venezuela are being transshipped to FARC camps for use in their "liberation movement".

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez to Colombia: the FARC be with you

  • In the run-up to the congress Farouq Qaddoumi, who runs the political department in Tunis of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, an umbrella for the nationalist movement, accused his rival, Mr Abbas, and a Fatah strongman, Muhammad Dahlan, of involvement in a plot to kill Fatah's longtime leader, Yasser Arafat, who died in 2004.

    ECONOMIST: A Palestinian congress

  • Many thousands of veterans who were involved in the liberation movement in the 1970s had hoped to be rewarded for their hard work - but almost two decades later they are living in poverty.

    BBC: By Pumza Fihlani

  • For some of them, the Kosovo Liberation Army a shadowy movement that surfaced only last November may be little more than a slogan.

    ECONOMIST: All roads lead to Tropoje | The

  • She was a member of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a militant movement that seeks an independent state for the mainly Hindu Tamils of the north and east.

    ECONOMIST: Staggering back towards war | The

  • The movement continues for 10 minutes, and, appropriate to the subject matter, offers no triumphant liberation, mainly growing slower and more subdued and in a small way, peaceful as it reaches its end.

    WSJ: Henryk G��recki | Symphony of Sorrowful Songs | A Lament for Lost Children | Masterpiece by Ian Marcus Corbin

  • While he has frequently criticized the large gap between rich and poor in Latin America, he never followed many of his fellow Jesuits in pursuing Liberation Theology in the 1960s and 1970s, a movement that sought to lift the living standards for the region's poor.

    WSJ: New Argentine Pope Faces Church Splits

  • The political leadership of the southern Sudan People's Liberation Movement are due to meet next week to decide whether to back Omar al-Bashir for the presidency in April 2010, or to put up their own candidates in conjunction with a range of northern political parties.

    BBC: Critical year ahead for Sudan amid fears of war

  • The Nbedele and Shona staged a near-constant run of revolts and raids in the latter part of the 19th century, but the war for liberation known as the "Chimurenga" ground to a near-standstill in 1897 when the revolt movement's leaders were captured and hanged.

    CNN: Seeds of Zimbabwe's land conflict were planted more than a century ago

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