• If staying close to mothers helps boys to perform better in school, act less aggressively and avoid behaviors that will derail their lives, why is it still so discouraged?

    WSJ: Who Are You Calling a Mama's Boy?

  • Boys in the inner city or boys from families who have been hit around or they've seen their fathers hit their mothers, when boys are hurt and humiliated and afraid, what are you going to do?

    NPR: Documentary Examines Misconceptions About American Boys

  • The boys' mothers, strong women, mostly pull themselves together, find new men, and move on.

    ECONOMIST: New fiction: Dean Bakopoulos

  • She and her partner found out about the Danish option on the internet and now have a family consisting of two mothers, identical twin boys who are nearly five months old, and a girl of two, all fathered by the same anonymous Danish man.

    BBC: Business booms for Danish sperm

  • But mothers born in South Korea bore 120 boys for each 100 girls.

    ECONOMIST: Distorted sex ratios in Ontario

  • "And these boys -- and their mothers -- need help, " she added.

    CNN: 'Anarchist Soccer Mom' cries out for help

  • Only 19% of the girls believed their career prospects were worse than those of their mothers, while 38% of the boys said they expected to be less successful than their fathers - but one in five of the girls aged 11 to 21 thought women were treated less fairly by employers.

    BBC: Marriage no longer a key goal for girls, survey suggests

  • In her 30-plus years as Dear Abby, Phillips answered inquiries from all types: teenage girls, teenage boys, young women, exasperated mothers-in-law, elderly widows and widowers.

    FORBES: 9 Great Tidbits Of 'Dear Abby' Wisdom

  • Last year, says NCC executive director Luis Morales, a survey by the Social Weather Station found that Rizal has become a leading role model for boys. (Girls chose their mothers.) Previously, youths were only seen as interested in pop and movie stars.

    CNN: Glancing Back

  • Many mothers are confused and anxious when it comes to raising boys.

    WSJ: Who Are You Calling a Mama's Boy?

  • In fact, research shows that boys suffer when they separate prematurely from their mothers and benefit from closeness in myriad ways throughout their lives.

    WSJ: Who Are You Calling a Mama's Boy?

  • Boys need and want a close connection with their mothers.

    WSJ: Who Are You Calling a Mama's Boy?

  • Tales abound of queues of impatient suitors forming outside the houses of popular girls, of overweight boys becoming stuck in window frames, and of mothers being accidently approached in the confusion of darkness.

    BBC: Bhutan, the kingdom of the clouds

  • For me and my husband, it is important that in our choices we are setting examples for our kids that it is natural for girls to be strong leaders and for mothers and women to work in demanding careers, and for boys to be nurturers and for dads and men to be the primary care-givers, and vice versa.

    CNN: Don't ask for all, ask what makes you happy

  • The government's latest resolution contains an eerily ingenious solution to one urgent social problem: from now on, military detachments will be encouraged to "adopt" boys 14 and older who are orphaned or have single mothers.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Restoration Watch: Putin's 'Remilitarization' Campaign

  • Just like mothers of girls have reacted against the passive princess role, I wish I could see more parents of boys reacting against things like the skull-and-crossbones pirate ghetto.

    FORBES: The Need to Create a White House Council on Boys to Men

  • Is it going to be another case of a bunch of millionaire white boys who are friends of the Republicans making all the money on these little black heads and single mothers who've been suffering for the last three weeks.

    NPR: African-American Community and Bush

  • Not only did the data show that many more boys than girls are encouraged by a parent to run for office, but half of the students whose mothers suggested they run said they would like to in the future, compared with only 3% of those who got no nudge.

    CNN: Teach girls to be more like boys

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