• Allegra admits that, technically, there's little difference between jailbreaking phones and hacking them for more malicious ends.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Connect those data firehoses to computers that have been infected with malicious software that turns them into criminally-controlled botnets, and you can expect them to spew out more malicious traffic than ever.

    FORBES: Verisign: Cyber Attacks Will Grow 1000-Fold This Decade

  • This masquerade ended when apps seeded with BadNews got a prompt from one of three command and control servers, then it started pushing out and installing a more malicious programme called AlphaSMS. This steals credit by sending text messages to premium rate numbers.

    BBC: Russian BadNews bug found in Android app store

  • On the benevolent side, intelligence arsenal including the Honeypot are helping researchers to learn more about the malicious activity going on in the cybersphere.

    CNN: Fighting the agents of organized cybercrime

  • When DefCon's hackers do venture into the illegal, it's often based on impulses that are more libertarian than malicious, says a hacker known as "Dead Addict, " another of DefCon's organizers.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The result of moving email marketing in-house is more control of security standards, less risk of malicious targeting by hackers and access to more data for email execution.

    FORBES: Written By Ryan Deutsch

  • More than other strains of malicious code, the Storm worm has proven itself difficult to outsmart since it was discovered in January 2007.

    FORBES: Storm For Rent

  • And this is the reason why the wearing of the burqa has become a necessity, more to preserve women from malicious eyes than to spare men the temptations of infinite allurements.

    NPR: 'The Swallows of Kabul' Book Excerpt

  • But last May, when Chinese hackers infected more than 500, 000 Web sites with malicious software designed to steal personal information, visitors to those sites received something more disturbing: an invisible password-stealing program on their machines, and an eerie silence from the owners of the sites they'd visited.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • American laptop users are also doubly inclined to download music and movies to corporate machines, making them more likely to unwittingly install hidden malicious software.

    FORBES: Accounting For Human Error

  • Since it seized the web domains in mid-September, Microsoft said almost eight million infected machines had tried to contact one or more of the 70, 000 malicious domains.

    BBC: Chinese cybercrime site cleans up

  • Over the past year, the number of PCs ensnared in botnets--herds of users' computers infected with malicious software--has more than quadrupled, according to botnet researchers at the Shadowserver Foundation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In a report from IDC last month, the analyst firm described how hundreds of tests on pirate software sources showed that more than a third led to Trojans and malicious adware.

    FORBES: When Criminals Exploit Apple's Own App Distribution System, What Hope Is There Of Stamping Out Piracy?

  • April 26th : After a PlayStation Network outage of more than a week, Sony reveals that malicious hackers have gained access to 77 million users account details earlier in the month, including an unknown number of credit cards numbers.

    FORBES: As Sony's Breaches Multiply, Has It Entered A Downward Security Spiral?

  • But Sussex Police began an investigation, interviewing the MP for 90 minutes under caution on suspicion of sending a malicious communication, and it was more than six months before he was informed that no further action would be taken.

    BBC: MP Tim Loughton 'sacks' constituent after racism row

  • In the past two months, the company has found more than a hundred specimens of Mac-targeted malicious code.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Another, often disastrous, consequence of growth is that it enriches corrupt and malicious regimes, allowing them to spend more on their military.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • More challenging is increasing data protection amid the surge in malicious attacks coming from inside and outside the organization.

    FORBES: Outwitting the Grinches Trying to Steal Your Data

  • Unfortunately, during malicious attacks the worst-case scenario is more likely to be true.

    FORBES: OECD's Cyber Report Misses Key Facts

  • While Anonymous is often characterized as a group of malicious cyber-terrorists, they struck me more as a group of earnest young protesters with a dark sense of humor and a brilliant knack for viral marketing.

    NEWYORKER: Machine Politics

  • There was some malicious gossip that his papers demonstrated that he was more of a swot than an intellectual, but, nonetheless, it meant that Wilson was never likely to suffer from any inferiority complexes when it came to dealing with his chancellors.

    ECONOMIST: Sometimes too many brains can go to your head

  • Interest in the Android OS as a malicious code writers fave will continue this year, yielding more mobile viruses and new malware codes for users to dodge.

    FORBES: Worm Attacks Coming For Google's Android - Kaspersky Lab

  • The message included a malicious link which was, at its peak, being accessed more than 2, 000 times every hour.

    BBC: Skype trojan forces Bitcoin mining, security firm warns

  • Police have begun busting a cabal of programmers who used malicious computer software known as a Trojan horse to spy on more than a dozen companies and then sell information about their operations to competitors.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Remember that back in June, you may recall, there was this big press conference to unveil something the FBI called Operation Malicious Mortgage, and the bureau announced that it had arrested more than 400 mortgage brokers, assessors, straw buyers, and basically those people who lied on their mortgage applications.

    NPR: FBI To Get To The Root Of The Financial Crisis

  • For the first time this year, IDC's annual information security survey revealed that information security officers were more concerned with stopping employee-caused data breaches than with guarding their networks against malicious software--which had ranked as their top concern for the eight previous years.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In stark contrast, the malicious host threat mitigation approach is both conceptually stronger as well as empirically more robust given its eradication of at a minimum all of the most material threat vectors currently plaguing cyber space (but is admittedly quite new and would benefit from experiential seasoning).

    FORBES: Written by David Lowenstein and Risu Na

  • As Reddit notes, your news feed is more likely to be full of spam images if your friends are stupid unwise enough to fall for malicious link attacks.

    FORBES: You May Not Want To Check Facebook At Work Today

  • The software giant pledged to fix the update but its efforts became more urgent when security firm EEye Digital Security discovered that the crash circumstances could be exploited to run malicious code on that machine.

    BBC: Workers looking at computer screen, Eyewire

  • Over the past several weeks, researchers have tracked a hacker exploit that's infected more than half a million pages around the Web, invisibly redirecting visitors to those pages to servers that install malicious software on their PCs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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