• The police watchdog said its investigation found the PCs may have a case of gross misconduct to answer.

    BBC: PC David Hair (left) and PC Kevin Hughes

  • With the House and Senate both back in business this week, Front-gate should be subjected to close congressional scrutiny since it may involve the most strategically ominous case of official misconduct since the Clinton Administration's China-gate.


  • He had a case to answer for misconduct, the IPCC investigation found.

    BBC: Greater Manchester Police criticised over 999 call death

  • Greater Manchester Police said a misconduct inquiry will be held and the case referred to the Home Secretary to decide if he should have part of his pension withheld.

    BBC: Police inspector Mohammed Razaq guilty of fraud

  • If the President were not involved, if an ordinary citizen were the subject of the inquiry, no serious consideration would be given to a criminal prosecution arising from alleged misconduct in discovery in the Jones civil case having to do with an alleged coverup of a private sexual affair with another woman or the follow-on testimony before the grand jury.

    CNN: Sen. Sarbanes' closed-door impeachment statement

  • In order for it to attempt to strike a doctor off for professional misconduct, it must re-hear the case.

    BBC: Neale case puts spotlight on GMC

  • The case is the latest accusation of sexual misconduct in the workplace in the venture capital and tech industry and raises questions about the extent of the issue in the industry.

    FORBES: CMEA Capital Sued For Sexual Harassment

  • As we have seen in case after case after case, debtors who have engaged in either misconduct or in asset protection planning tend to fare very poorly in bankruptcy.

    FORBES: Discussion Of Offshore Trusts Leads To Asset Freeze In Las Vegas

  • The grounds Wigan will probably be pursuing is bringing the club into disrepute and gross misconduct, and I think that will be seen to be the case.

    BBC: Wigan to sack jailed striker King

  • But the judge in the case granted Johnson a delay after he filed a motion claiming prosecutorial misconduct.

    FORBES: Sentencing Delayed For The Credit Card "Snake"

  • The Iqbal case, on its face, has nothing to do with corporate misconduct.

    FORBES: Business In The Beltway

  • Both have been haunted by controversy, Mr. Anwar in the form of repeated allegations of sexual misconduct, and Mr. Najib by his aide's conviction for murder in the case of Mongolian model Altathuya Shaariibuu.

    WSJ: Joseph Chinyong Liow: Malaysia's Doppelganger Election

  • In the end, the jury never got the case, because U.S. District Judge Carnac threw it out because of prosecutorial misconduct (witness intimidation among others).

    FORBES: There Are No Nice Prosecutors When You Are A Defendant

  • Again, there is a more humane and logical explanation for the zeal with which the authorities in Braintree pried open this painful case in 2010: for officials there, the inquest offered a way to purge past misconduct and exorcise an old form of government.

    NEWYORKER: A Loaded Gun

  • Both sides expect an agreement would include a monetary settlement of some kind, based on the alleged violations in the U.K. The government has also investigated potential misconduct in the company's former Russian outdoor billboard subsidiary, according to people familiar with the case, specifically whether it paid bribes to local officials to approve sign placements in that country.

    WSJ: Bribery Allegations Surfaced Against WSJ in China

  • But it accepted that there had been police misconduct and violations of Ms Cassez's rights after her detention, leaving open the possibility that the case could need to be reheard.

    BBC: Florence Cassez behind bars, file picture

  • The DoJ said last year in a memo filed to the court in New Orleans hearing the civil case over the spill that it planned to prove BP had acted with "gross negligence or wilful misconduct" that had caused the accident.

    CNN: BP claims it now leads the way on safety

  • Supporters of Chaudhry, who is suspended while Pakistan's Supreme Court deliberates his case, believe Musharraf's motives for getting rid of the judge have nothing to do with the misconduct allegations.

    NPR: Former Pakistan Leader Sharif Desires Return

  • The Justice Department and the Plaintiffs Steering Committee, the lead private attorneys in the case, have vowed to prove at trial that BP was grossly negligent and that it engaged in willful misconduct in causing the spill.

    NPR: BP Civil Settlement Remains Elusive As Trial Nears

  • The seven-day inquest heard that Dr Jane Barton, who was found guilty by the General Medical Council (GMC) of multiple instances of professional misconduct in 2010 but was not struck off, had prescribed levels of diamorphine for the nursing staff to administer in case Mrs Richards' condition deteriorated.

    BBC: Gladys Richards

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