• Ms. Galina Gavrilitse, the Consultant of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, shared the experience in development of educational online resources for sexual education and HIV prevention in school curriculum.

    UNESCO: ONLINE Prevention on the Agenda of Youth Organizations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • The JSJ website is developed by the Division of Supervision and Management of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Chinese Ministry of Education to release information related to cross-border higher education in China.

    UNESCO: ����

  • As a part of the project, a manual on water education was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, the Ministry of Environment and the Jordan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.


  • Finally, the Honourable Mention of the UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy is awarded to the Non-Formal and Continuing Education Programme of the Ministry of Education of Bhutan, for its holistic approach to literacy and its success in reaching remote areas.


  • To help achieve this and other literacy-related goals, UNESCO, in close collaboration with the Literacy Department of the Ministry of Education and with funding from the Government of Japan, has begun implementation of the Enhancement of Literacy in Afghanistan (ELA) programme.


  • The Conference is organized by the Association of UNESCO Clubs of Belarus and supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, National HIV and AIDS Prevention Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, UNAIDS and UNESCO Moscow Office.


  • It is being implemented by 3 UN Agencies: UNDP, UNESCO and UNICEF, in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, Ministry of Culture and Sports of BiH, Ministry of Education and Culture of RS, as well as other institutions working in the area of education and culture.


  • It is being implemented by the three UN Agencies UNDP, UNESCO and UNICEF, in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of BiH, the Ministry of Education and Culture of BiH, as well as other institutions working in the area of education and culture.


  • The Meeting was attended by representatives of the Pacific state parties to the 2003 ICH Convention as well as Cook Islands experts including representative of the House of Ariki (traditional chiefs), officers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of education, representative of the Cook Islands Voyaging Society and other civil society organisations.


  • The greeting words of Mr. Subcelny, the Chairman the Belarus Association of UNESCO Clubs, Mr. Shchasny, the President of Belarus Commission for UNESCO and representatives of the UNESCO Office in Moscow, UNDP Belarus, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, were followed by a series of presentations, introducing good practices in the field of online prevention work.

    UNESCO: ONLINE Prevention on the Agenda of Youth Organizations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Jointly organized by UNESCO, the Secretariat on Policies of Promotion of Racial Equality (SEPPIR), Ministry of Education and Ministry of External Relations of Brazil, the meeting allowed international experts to discuss the major components of the project such as the policy guidelines and teaching materials that have now been drafted by specialists and how to implement pilot testing with interested countries and partners.


  • The Programme Culture for Development is a three-year programme funded by the Spanish Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund which is being implemented in partnership of three UN Agencies: UNESCO, UNDP, and UNICEF, in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, Ministry of Culture and Sports of FBiH, Ministry of Education and Culture of RS, as well as other institutions working in the area of education and culture.

    UNESCO: Sarajevo conference showcases the importance of improving intercultural dialogue, restoring symbols of multiculturalism and fostering intercultural education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • UNESCO, as lead agency for the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, organized the event together with the Government of Sweden and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

    UNESCO: Educating for a sustainable future: UNESCO galvanizes support at RIO+20 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Upon request of the Ministry of Education, UNESCO Iraq Office has completed the assessment of math and science textbooks for grades 4, 8 and 11, according to the international standards and using content analysis approach.

    UNESCO: presents the findings of textbooks evaluation to Minister of Education | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • The two ministries are the Ministry of Basic Education, Literacy and the Promotion of National Languages and the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education and Scientific Research.


  • The Secretariat of the UNESCO Network of Associated Schools in Cyprus is under the Department of Secondary Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture.

    UNESCO: Associated Schools (ASPnet)

  • At the request of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), UNESCO is currently assisting in the development of a comprehensive leadership training programme that aims to build the capacities of senior officials to implement and manage policies that are gender sensitive and inclusive and that assure equitable access to education.

    UNESCO: Education Management

  • As an active member of the National AIDS Programme, UNESCO is supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Education, and the civil society organizations, to build institutional capacity to respond to HIV and AIDS and contribute to a comprehensive National Strategy on HIV and AIDS, focused on health education and prevention.

    UNESCO: Protect, Prevent, Respect: Empower

  • Chu Zhaohui, of the Ministry of Education's Central Institute for Educational Research, says Beijing could afford to accommodate all of its more than 400, 000 migrant children, some 40, 000 of whom have little choice but to use unlicensed schools.

    ECONOMIST: A new way to make migrants feel unwelcome

  • The National Commission of UNESCO was formed by the Malaysian Government in 1966 under the purview of the Ministry of Education Malaysia.


  • On 8 September, the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu will join the Non Formal Education Center (NFEC) of the Ministry of Education to celebrate the Day with various activities.

    UNESCO: celebrates International Literacy Day in Nepal

  • Twenty-two high level officials from the Ministry of Education in Erbil (Directorates of Education), and representatives from five Kurdish NGOs participated in a training workshop for the development of implementation plans and a monitoring framework of the five selected projects submitted by Kurdish NGOs.


  • The launching ceremony of the GMR was held in Islamabad and attended by the Minister of State for Education, Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Trainings, Representative and Director UNESCO Islamabad, Director Programs Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi, and other representatives and officials of the Government of Pakistan, civil society organizations, United Nations, academia and media.


  • The Programme is coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus and it includes 18 public and private schools of secondary education.

    UNESCO: South Eastern Mediterranean Sea Project (SEMEP)

  • It is worth noting that the materials produced by UNESCO will be accessible to all teachers through the pedagogical resources portal of the Ministry of Education and therefore easy to use and to upscale in a cost-effective manner.


  • The Educational Resource Kit on the Archaeological site of Jerash was produced for the historical site which is most visited by school children in Jordan and is in line with the History and Citizenship Curriculum on Jerash of the Ministry of Education.


  • Immediately following the fall of the former regime, the Ministry of Education (MoE) was unable to provide the total requirements without the assistance of international community.

    UNESCO: Textbooks Quality Improvement Programme in Iraq | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Mr. In The, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, stressed that Bilingual Education promotes equitable access to learning opportunities especially to indigenous children, youth and adult learners.


  • These contributions were made by academics at nine public and private universities, where work in this area has been underway for some years, under the leadership of the Colombian Ministry of Education.


  • As a partner of the Malaysian Ministry of Education's 1BestariNet project, Yes 4G's parent company YTL Communications has so far ensured that 7, 000 local state schools are covered by its WiMAX network, with the remaining 3, 000 to be connected over the next six months.


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