• The North Korean media are full of images of military preparedness, he adds, intended to rally people behind the leadership.

    BBC: North Korea tension prompts US missile test delay

  • The case, which was never closed, is now being reinvestigated by the Royal Military Police, with images supplied by the charity Missing People, which shows how Katrice could look now, aged 33.

    BBC: Katrice Lee disappearance: Facebook abuse case in court

  • Myanmar's military junta has forbidden such images, and anyone who sends them is risking their lives.

    CNN: Internet cut in Myanmar, blogger presses on

  • Images show Iranian military officials inspecting the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth aircraft which appears to be undamaged.

    BBC: Iran shows film of captured US drone

  • Over 100 postcards with a military theme or depicting scenes and images from WW I were sold at The Chippenham Auction Rooms.

    BBC: Military postcards sold at auction

  • Anyone who watches TV has seen the familiar images from the warfront: military men and women in desert camouflage uniforms riding in Humvees, patrolling dusty streets, firing their weapons.

    NPR: Waiting and Dreading: Families in War Time

  • It said satellite images it had analysed undermined the military's assertion that only 30 houses were destroyed during the fighting in Baga, a remote fishing community on the shores of Lake Chad, on 16 and 17 April.

    BBC: Baga raid: Satellite images 'show Nigeria army abuse'

  • Both Israel and Hamas have essentially live tweeted the confrontation from its beginning, mixing military updates with threats, YouTube videos, graphic images and made-for-Twitter graphics.

    FORBES: Israel and Hamas' Social Media Battle Goes from Groundbreaking to Bizarre

  • The Satellite Sentinel Project released images Monday that it said confirmed a buildup of military strike aircraft at two air bases.


  • During the Iraq war, images and accounts of wrongdoing by U.S. military personnel, such as pictures of abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison, turned Iraqi public opinion against America.

    WSJ: U.S. Attempts to Stem Video Outcry

  • The belief weren't so strong in both the political and military leadership of the current war effort, that those who control the images will control public opinion.

    BBC: Is truth a victim?

  • Since this was a classified mission for the Department of Defense (you know, to handle super secret military stuff), the shuttle's crew was forced to encrypt the images of the damaged tiles it sent back to NASA, which lowered the resolution of the images enough that the ground crew wrote off the damage as a trick of the light.

    ENGADGET: Space Shuttle Atlantis ends its run of predicting disaster for other NASA shuttles

  • "China is actively introducing its culture and values, and distributing favorable images through its media to achieve its goals of reducing fears of its military strength, developing closer relations with developing nations and expanding its international influence, " Wu wrote in " The Rise of China's State-Led Media Dynasty in Africa" paper, published in June.

    CNN: Chinese media make inroads into Africa

  • As the military considers sweeping changes for women, a senior Air Force leader told a House panel examining a sexual-abuse scandal at a Texas base on Wednesday that his branch of the military needs to improve its culture to root out problems, such as binge drinking and vulgar images, that can be conducive to sexual harassment.

    WSJ: Panetta to Open Combat Roles to Women

  • Apart from US military satellites, Ikonos, a private space company in the US, has a satellite that beams high resolution images.

    BBC: India's spy satellite boost

  • He realised, however, that the technology which military reconnaissance experts are using in the hunt for Osama bin Laden could be used collaboratively to view images, documents and even audio or video files over the Internet.

    ECONOMIST: MONITOR: Instant messaging joins the firm | The

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