• Having dealt with the cities and towns, they launched a massive rural land grab, evicting millions of black South Africans from the fields and pastures on which they had lived for generations and offering in exchange enclaves carved from the least-fertile acreage in the country.

    NPR: One Boy's Heroism in the Face of AIDS

  • The Commercial Farmers Union reports a massive upsurge in land invasions in the days since the agreement was announced.

    BBC: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe

  • The reality is that it takes massive amounts of land, water, fertilizer, oil and other resources to produce meat, significantly more than it requires to grow other nutritious and delicious kinds of food.

    CNN: 'Meatless Monday' too hot a potato for USDA

  • It hasn't followed a massive runup in commodity or land prices.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • That is, he argued that it made sense to surrender massive amounts of strategically critical land to a terrorist organization because Arafat and his associates would repress their people with an iron fist, unfettered by the rule of law and Palestinian human rights organizations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The pragmatic fantasy

  • The peace that followed these conflicts was characterized by increasing tension and competition, numerous war scares and massive increases in armaments on both land and sea.

    WSJ: Robert Kagan on Why the World Needs America

  • Antarctica is surrounded by a very cold and turbulent ocean, whose massive thermal capacity (compared to land) drastically reduces warming, compared to what we see in our hemisphere.

    FORBES: Is Global Warming A Bipolar Disorder?

  • The thunderous response to patriotic speeches and songs about freedom and the threat posed to it by people l like those who toppled the once-adjacent World Trade Center rang in the canyons of Lower Manhattan and - due to the massive media presence - across the land.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The 'end of the beginning' on Shariah?

  • Finally, it is unlikely that cities would be able to accommodate the massive growth promoted by urban boosters, land speculators and policy mavens.

    FORBES: New Geographer

  • Next morning we load our massive pile of gear into a muddy old Land Rover and head out of town.

    CNN: The snows of Erukenya

  • Land reform will also help unlock massive potential productivity gains.

    FORBES: What's China Going To Look Like In 20 Years?

  • He said there had been "massive opposition" for health reasons and because the land was on greenbelt land.

    BBC: Plans rejected for Sheffield's biomass power plant

  • To the south, Patagonia is a land of windswept steppes, vertiginous mountains and massive glaciers.

    FORBES: Lapostolle Residence, a Chilean Wine Country Hideaway

  • Apologists for big government make the point, for instance, that in the 19th century U.S. railroads received massive subsidies from the federal government in the way of land grants and federal loans.

    FORBES: Capitalism: A True Love Story

  • Due to massive population pressure in the 1950s, city officials began developing land farther outside Cairo.


  • In order to stop flood waters overwhelming central London and to save the massive expense of building fresh flood walls and defences, some land could be set aside to act as a safety valve, catching flood waters and storing them until the danger has passed.

    BBC: London's drowning

  • Most people now seem convinced that the government is willing to tolerate even a massive drop in share and property prices a government land auction on January 13th saw bids 50% below those for similar land just before Christmas in order to hold the Hong Kong dollar firm.

    ECONOMIST: Hong Kong after Peregrine: Scaring the bears | The

  • Most explicit are those who have called him God's punishment of European Jews for their secularization, then gone on to argue that it was mainly because of Hitler and the Holocaust that the biblical prophecy was fulfilled and the state of Israel born--only Western guilt on so massive a scale could have cleared the way to the Promised Land.

    CNN: The necessary evil?

  • "The drive for more biofuels means more investment is going into those crops, meaning less land and less investment going in for food crops, causing a massive conflict and resulting in rising prices, which is having a huge negative impact, especially on developing countries, " said Clare Oxborrow, food campaigner for Friends of the Earth.

    CNN: U.N. expert: Food crisis 'a silent tsunami'

  • Relatively recent massive discoveries show that a whopping 80% of its 87, 000 sq km of land contains coal and 50% contains natural gas reserves.

    FORBES: Erdos Per Capita GDP May Surpass Hong Kong's in 3 years

  • Four centuries later, his account of a land darkened by winter was deemed ridiculous by Strabo, the author of the massive compendium Geographika, who doubted that anyone could live north of barely habitable Britain.

    FORBES: The Top Of The World

  • The likely impact includes forest conversion to agricultural land, a drop in biological diversity as a result of monocropping and the massive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, unsustainable levels of water abstraction and a greater risk of water-related conflicts with local communities and neighbouring States sharing the same transboundary river systems.

    UNESCO: Madiodio Niasse on the risks associated with large-scale foreign land aquisitions | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Reliance, controlled by billionaire Anil Ambani, has been unable to get a massive gas-fired plant off the ground in northern India despite a decade of effort, because of land issues and fuel-shortage issues.

    WSJ: India Blackouts Show Failure to Lure Investors

  • Farm land might be good, if not also subject to confiscation in order to bail out banks suffering from massive derivatives failures.

    FORBES: Cyprus Bailout: Everything You Need To Know Before The Opening Bell

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