• But Mrs Beeton had not honed her management techniques on large corporations.

    ECONOMIST: Household management

  • It provides design and construction management services on large projects, including ports, toll roads, subways, and water projects, as well as providing maintenance of schools and airports.

    FORBES: AECOM Technology Looks Like A Buy

  • To investigate this we ran a management field experiment on large Indian textile firms.

    FORBES: Does Management Matter?

  • Dean Zarras has been writing software since 1982, focusing on large-scale trading and risk management systems on and off Wall Street.

    FORBES: On Civil Society

  • Many have fallen short of their high promised yields while layering on management fees and bestowing large broker commissions.

    FORBES: Investment Conflicts SEC Should Police First

  • Once when I was on the management committee of a large corporation, we would meet with the heads of our various businesses once a quarter to review their results and strategies for growth.

    FORBES: Kindness At The Office

  • Our recent article on Management Failures explains why investors need to beware large asset-write-downs like those incurred by NYX.

    FORBES: Shorting The NYSE A Good Hedge Against Market Selloff

  • Large corporations spend fortunes on risk-management departments to deal with this developmental deficiency.

    FORBES: The Pitfalls Of Perception

  • That said, the multinationals' management advantage is based more on training and experience of running a large business than on exposure to other countries.

    ECONOMIST: The empire strikes back

  • "Senior management must be front and center, " says Bill Keegan, director of crisis management at Edelman, a large Chicago-based PR firm called on to manage several product recalls.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • That said, our flagship courses on leadership and strategic financial management are being seized by firms both large and small that need strong and capable leaders and are committed to effective succession planning.

    FORBES: The Business School Beat

  • Then giant hedge fund Long Term Capital Management collapsed due to big bets on Asian currencies, causing problems also for the large banks that had financed it.

    FORBES: Fed Still Blowing Bubbles?

  • Entrepreneurs or international conglomerateurs, or large financial institutions buy or create mutual fund management companies to create a return on their own capital.

    FORBES: Intelligent Investing Briefing Book

  • Reed, 72, had been a deft stock picker for years. (Many of his colleagues asked him to manage their pension and profit-sharing accounts.) His prime targets are large companies with predictable businesses, little debt, decent returns on equity and capable management.

    FORBES: Patient Capital

  • Other signals to move on include an upward trend in annual management expense ratios (MERs) or a fund that has grown large, relative to the market.

    FORBES: Eight Reasons To Dump A Mutual Fund

  • Some events are exceedingly rare, but may have consequences large enough to pose truncation risk on a business enterprise, such as Long Term Capital Management in the late 1990s.

    FORBES: Christmas, Kurtosis, Fat Tails, Black Swans And Risk Management, Pt. 2

  • Success in this new world of manufacturing will require management that is radically different from the hierarchical bureaucracy focused on efficiency and shareholder value that is now prevalent in large firms like GE.

    FORBES: Decoding Jeff Immelt and GE's New Act: U.S. Manufacturer

  • If management insists on continuing to use vague and subjective performance criteria that have repeatedly been shown to play such a large role in excluding women from executive suites, Boards of Directors and the offices of equity and managing partners worldwide, applying the force of the law may be the only answer.

    FORBES: Wal-Mart Discrimination Case Grapples with Implicit Biases against Women

  • Mr. Moore, who runs an alternative investment-management company called GCM Capital Management, says that right now he would rather keep his money in his business rather than plunk it down on a large down payment, especially when he doesn't plan to stay in one place for more than five or 10 years.

    WSJ: A New Lease on Luxury

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