• "He no longer is sergeant major of the Army, " Army spokesman Lt.

    CNN: Army removes McKinney from top post

  • The sergeant major of the Army advises top Army leaders on issues affecting the 400, 000 enlisted soldiers who constitute the bulk of the service.

    CNN: Army removes McKinney from top post

  • Rodgers needed to list just a few cases to make her point: the Japanese auto manufacturer Mitsubishi, the investment firm Smith-Barney, the Sergeant Major of the Army Gene McKinney, the president of the United States - on two counts.

    CNN: Sex And Power And The Law

  • The U.S. should not agree to a major modernization of the Syrian army, as it has with the Egyptian army.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • These talks are taking place against the backdrop of major military victories by the Colombian army against the FARC, the elimination of key FARC leaders in the last four years, and, confirmed connections between the FARC and the governments of Venezuela and Ecuador.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The consequences of Colombia's negotiations with FARC

  • The Front-gate saga began with the firing last month of Stephen Coughlin, a Major in the Army Reserves who was working as a civilian contractor for the Joint Chiefs of Staff when he ran afoul of one Hashem Islam.


  • Gates decided there were just too many unanswered questions about the program, especially in terms of force protection, so once the Obama White House gave him the latitude to kill major programs, the centerpiece of Army modernization was in his cross hairs.

    FORBES: How The Army Missed Its Chance To Modernize

  • The start of Hasan's court-martial has been repeatedly delayed since it was initially set to begin in March 2012, most notably after an appeals court delayed the case over the question of whether the Army major's beard could be forcibly shaved.


  • Seizing the opportunity provided by Dr Fox's plans for decentralisation, General Sir Peter Wall, the head of the army, asked Major-General Nick Carter, a former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan and the director-general of land warfare, to carry out a review that would shape the army of the future.

    ECONOMIST: The future of the British army

  • First seen at the Nuffield Theatre in Southampton last year, the play stars Anthony Andrews as a major investigating allegations of misconduct within the British Army.

    BBC: 'Queen welcome' at new London theatre

  • The family home was just a few streets away from a site of major clashes between rebels and the army.

    MSN: Only on NBCNews.com

  • On February 4th the court martial began of Sergeant-Major Gene McKinney, once the army's highest-ranking enlisted soldier.

    ECONOMIST: The perils of flirtation | The

  • Major General Scales is one of the army's leading intellectuals and his op-ed was an important one because it signified a real shift within the military establishment.

    NPR: U.S. Military Faces Strain in Achieving Iraq Plan

  • You have two very large militias, the Sadr Brigade and the Mahdi Army, that are a major component of the dominant political block in Parliament.

    NPR: Top Muslim Cleric Urges Militias to Disarm

  • China Central Television, the front page of Liberation Army Daily and major news portals prominently report the foreign ministry's stance that China had taken unspecified but "legitimate and reasonable" actions against the boat.

    BBC: China media: Vietnam row

  • As the Taliban marched three years ago as close as 60 miles to Islamabad, the army launched major military operations in the northern region of Swat and the western area of South Waziristan to end the Taliban's control of these areas.

    CNN: What's working in Pakistan

  • The US might argue that its vetting to this end is working: non-Islamist units of the Free Syrian Army, a loose network of rebel groups, seem to be the major beneficiaries so far.

    BBC: Analysis: US Syria strategy aims to salvage reputation

  • By taking the town of Otaybah, east of the capital, the army dealt a major setback to opposition forces that in recent months have made gains near the city they eventually hope to storm.

    NPR: Syrian Troops Capture Key Town Near Damascus

  • Mr. Arabi said the Syrian army has pulled out of major city centers, at least partially complying with a deal the league negotiated with the Syrian government.

    WSJ: Arab World Diplomacy Fails to Stop Syria Clash

  • However, it remained unclear what agreement had been reached on the powers of the army, police and intelligence services - another major sticking point between the parties, our correspondent added.

    BBC: Zimbabwe: Mugabe and Tsvangirai in 'constitution deal'

  • Over the weekend the rebels, who say they are protecting the area's Tutsi minority, captured a major army camp at Rumangabo and the headquarters of Virunga national park.

    BBC: UN joins battle with Congo rebels

  • Soviet troops defeated the German Sixth Army, in what is considered one of the major turning points of World War II.

    BBC: Russia marks 70 years since Battle of Stalingrad

  • "It depends on the mission, but you'll always need to have that critical thinking capability in a pilot, " says Major Rod Secor of the U.S. Army's Unmanned Aircraft Systems division.

    CNN: Doing military's dangerous, dull and dirty work

  • The Pakistani military has been conducting an offensive against the Taliban, centered in the Swat region of North-West Frontier Province, and the defection of Qari Zain Ud Din Mehsud was seen as a major coup in the army's fight against the militants.

    CNN: Taliban defector killed in Pakistan

  • The hero is the (unnamed) human-resources manager of a major Jerusalem company, a bakery that has flourished by victualling the Israeli army and trucking extra supplies of bread to the West Bank when times are so hard that Palestinians can afford little else and their local bakeries have been closed on suspicion of being a security risk.

    ECONOMIST: New fiction

  • Major General Zdravko Tolimir, deputy commander of the Serb army, failed to attend a high level military meeting on board a U.S. aircraft carrier Monday.

    CNN: Bosnia talks founder as key Bosnian Serb fails to turn up

  • He rose up through the ranks of the Israeli army in the 1940s and he was involved in nearly every major conflict that Israel waged with its Arab neighbors.

    CNN: 'Significant brain activity' in comatose Ariel Sharon

  • As Sharon rose up through the ranks of the Israeli army from the 1940s onward, he was involved in the major conflicts that Israel fought with its Arab neighbors.


  • As with the last four major releases from WikiLeaks, imprisoned Army private Bradley Manning remains the suspected source of the leak.

    FORBES: WikiLeaks Hits Pentagon Again With Leak Of 759 Guantanamo Prisoners' Files

  • "Contrary to reports we have seen in some news outlets, based on what we know now, neither the United States Army nor any other organization within the Department of Defense knew of Major Hasan's contacts with any Muslim extremists, " the official said.


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