• The Department of Energy is releasing supplies from the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to limit disruptions of supplies to oil refineries, which "will help take some pressure off of gas prices, " and the Environmental Protection Agency has waived rules requiring low-pollution blends in some areas in order to increase availability of gas and diesel, he said.

    CNN: Bush tells victims: 'A lot of help coming'

  • And developing basic low-cost pollution technology for coal-fired power generation in the third world would probably get more bang for the pollution buck than just about anything else.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Not surprisingly, in the United States, asthma sufferers are often in low-income communities near major pollution sources, such as freeways or factories.

    FORBES: How Our Buildings Are Making Us Sick

  • Further, as an illustration of Iran's febrile mood, many Iranians blame a recent lethal rise in air pollution on the allegedly low quality of indigenous fuel.

    ECONOMIST: Iran's struggle

  • Instead, they found high caffeine levels near Carl Washburne State Park and Cape Lookout, two areas not near the potential pollution sources, and low levels of caffeine near large population centers such as Astoria, Warrenton and Coos Bay.

    CNN: Researchers find caffeine in waters off Oregon

  • City Hall says it has taken measures to cut pollution from buses and taxis and improve the Low Emission Zone.

    BBC: Nitrogen oxides

  • In too many American communities, low-income and minority families shoulder a disproportionate burden of pollution in the places where they live, work and learn.

    WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House

  • Cause noise pollution: People living close to turbines claim that the low level noise is causing stress-related illness.

    BBC: Last Updated: Tuesday June 07 2005 15:38 GMT

  • Air pollution is actually decreasing and hit a 10-year low in 2012.

    FORBES: 5 Caveats About The Autism And Air Pollution Study

  • Prof Kevin McConway, a statistician at the Open University said, based on the findings, if Newcastle were to halve its current particulate air pollution level it would lead to two or three fewer low weight babies out of the total 3, 500 or so born in the city each year.

    BBC: Traffic fumes linked to lower birth weight

  • Back on the mainland, experts tell Global Times that a 2% decrease target in air pollution set by Beijing's environmental protection bureau is too low.

    BBC: China media: New dream

  • Never especially blessed with water, in recent years China has seen its supplies fall to dangerously low levels as it faces drought, rising demand and the combined effects of decades of pollution and misguided policies.

    ECONOMIST: China and water

  • The laws achieve low-carbon growth, greater energy security and a reduction in greenhouse gases and local air pollution.

    BBC: Harrabin's notes: Kyoto rumbles on

  • After suffering a punishing year because of low natural gas prices, the wind power industry is keeping close watch on the prospect that water pollution from hydraulic fracturing may lead to regulation of shale gas drilling.

    FORBES: Wind Power's Future May Depend On Gas Fracking's Fate: Panel

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