And we know that enduring, deep-seated, long-lasting change cannot be delivered in just one parliament.
It, and another type called Incor, have been designed so they should be long-lasting.
Companies that can do this are much more likely to establish long-lasting relationships with their customers.
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Still, many of the policies have had long-lasting effect, for better or for worse.
Thousands of Americans have jobs building wind turbines and solar panels and long-lasting batteries.
Long-lasting profits depend on high quality produced with a keen eye to costs and price.
In the business world, this translates to a deficit of strong, long-lasting relationships with business partners.
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Enchantment is about creating a voluntary, long-lasting, and mutually beneficial relationship support and loyalty.
Yet fruits and vegetables typically have high water content, making long-lasting crispiness a challenge.
And while EPO's effect is long-lasting, the hormone itself rapidly disappears from the body.
Thousands of Americans have jobs today building wind turbines and solar panels and long-lasting batteries.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Las Vegas, NV
There are thousands of workers around the country right now building long-lasting batteries and wind turbines.
These are well-paying, long-lasting, private sector jobs that wouldn't be possible without the Recovery Act.
Plus he comes across as an actor who is serious about having a long-lasting career.
They can cause long-lasting radiation storms in our planet's upper atmosphere and trigger radio blackouts.
The economic effect of population decline will, in all probability, be severe, long-lasting, and evident soon.
The new Motorola RAZR HD provides long-lasting battery performance for nonstop high definition entertainment.
We've got thousands of workers building long-lasting batteries, building wind turbines all across the country.
Dr Eberhard says this shows whatever biochemical is introduced into the spiders' bodies is fast-acting and long-lasting.
Sale of such long-lasting factory products rose by 5.7% in February, the biggest increase in five months.
It's creamy, long-lasting head is so thick, you can trace a shamrock in it with your finger.
Consensus (or at least broad agreement) and compromise are really the only ways to effect long-lasting change.
If we want long-lasting products that retain their value, we have to support products that do so.
How would Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce continue to wow their clients and build long-lasting relationships for brands?
Dish seems to be playing a high stakes game, which could have long-lasting effects if executed right.
Now, some companies are selling alcohol-free sanitizers with antimicrobials they say give long-lasting protection without drying hands.
"We need to rule out that there is a not long-lasting effect in healthy people, " Volkow said.
But whatever the reasons behind the new-found government frugality, many are hoping that it will be long-lasting.
And as it turns out, this might be one of the more long-lasting aspects of the whole endeavor.
The case fulfilled the criteria for a miracle - the healing was instant, without scientific explanation and long-lasting.