• Alcaino expects that the chosen entrepreneurs will have technology business plans and a good recommendations from trusted sources like professors in business schools around California.

    FORBES: Chile Wants to Borrow US Entrepreneurs for $40,000

  • Though even his supporters call him an egotistical anti-Semite, level-headed types like the professors at the Pig Institute support him, against their instincts, because he gets what he wants.

    ECONOMIST: Poland��s pig-headed farmers

  • We carved out some exceptions to the rule, such as for people who are fearful of outliving their assets and people (like college professors) who are eligible to buy TIAA-CREF's economical products.

    FORBES: Follow-Through

  • There has been no demand that campuses fire professors like Berkeley Hebrew Professor Ruth Adler or Talmud Professor Daniel Boyarin who force their students to undergo anti-Zionist indoctrination in their classrooms.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Convenient moral blindness

  • He spent his working life largely at Harvard, relishing the intellectual fizz as the wartime generation returned to study, using wisely the great freedom granted to tenured professors like himself, but increasingly disgusted in later years by academic trendiness and moral cowardice.

    ECONOMIST: Sovietology

  • Like college level professors.

    FORBES: Why Romney And Obama Can't Fix The Unemployment Problem

  • While business school professors (like me) think that all would be entrepreneurs should answer no, plenty of business founders disagree.

    FORBES: Starting a Business That Can't Compete

  • As the demonstrators rampage through laboratories and lecture rooms, the professors, like the politicians, must wish that they had tried harder.

    ECONOMIST: Riots in Greece: Anarchy in Athens | The

  • Coursekit has testimonials suggesting that there are professors who like the product.

    FORBES: Will Coursekit Launch Up-End Blackboard?

  • Maroe expresses some lofty ideas about democratizing the hiring process, comparing Evisors to massive open online courses where students can take free classes from top-flight professors at schools like MIT and Princeton.

    FORBES: A New Way to Get a Job When You Have No Inside Connections

  • You also lobby the university -- as Sotomayor did at Princeton -- to be more accessible and hospitable to people like you by hiring Latino professors, reflecting the Latino experience in the curriculum and providing a support system for Latino students as opposed to admitting them and forgetting them.

    CNN: Commentary: Latino in the Ivy League

  • T. and Coursera, founded by Stanford computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, offering MOOCs taught by professors at top schools like Harvard and Stanford and lesser known institutions like the University of Maryland at College Park.

    FORBES: Free Online College Courses Take Big Step Forward

  • Luckily, the harder skills and courses like accounting and finance had the best professors.

    WSJ: University of Denver

  • You know, things like public goods in language that even professors of communication, information and international studies might be able to understand.

    FORBES: Idiot Suggestion Of The Day: Let's Nationalise Facebook

  • Like many of the other business-school professors I spoke with about Patagonia, he seemed genuinely impressed by Chouinard.

    WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru

  • It will be interesting to see how events progress at Ben Gurion in the coming months, but one thing is clear enough, like Friedman and the Berkeley Hillel, its professors will no longer be able to pretend that they are fair and balanced professionals.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Tom Friedman's losing battle

  • For the last nine years, the guides have ranked career prospects for graduates among its other ratings like academic experience, quality of life and best professors.

    FORBES: The Best Business Schools for Career Prospects 2012

  • For the last eight years, the guides have included a ranking of career prospects for graduates among its other ratings like academic experience, quality of life and best professors.

    FORBES: The Best Law Schools For Career Prospects 2012

  • Law schools have generally lagged behind other, more real-world oriented institutions like business schools in piloting practical improvements, as law professors tend to focus on scholarly work, says Bill Henderson, a professor at Maurer.

    WSJ: Law Schools' Course Emphasis Shifts From Textbooks to Skill Sets

  • Auburn University in Alabama paid its professors and employees in scrip during the Depression, like a lot of other cash-strapped institutions.

    FORBES: Substitute Money

  • Yet, as the professors point out, the desire to make management a profession like law and medicine was central to Harvard Business School in the first decades after it was founded 100 years ago.

    ECONOMIST: Do bosses need their own Hippocratic Oath?

  • Now, if your super brilliant, earth-shattering kid prefers having daily opportunities for access to, attention by and interactions with professors, elite liberal arts schools and a unique elite university like Princeton are hard to beat.

    FORBES: When To Say No To Harvard

  • These places, which sprung up on the edges of campuses like dandelions after a spring rain, were the meeting places where students, professors, townspeople, out-of-town academics and other terribly interesting folk would meet, by intention or chance, and talk and learn from one another.

    FORBES: The Coddling Campus

  • Like SUNY, all partner schools may adapt lessons from Coursera as they see fit, and professors will have the opportunity to develop online courses for Coursera.


  • But as professors themselves become bigger brands aided by TED talks, Twitter and networks on sites like LinkedIn firms are reaching out to the instructors directly instead of going through the schools.

    WSJ: Executive Education: Professors Are Now Brands

  • As the sort of people who are on a first-name basis with librarians, historians and English professors, historians are thrilled to hold a new book, to crack the binding and break it in like a new pair of shoes.

    FORBES: OMG: Old Media Guilt

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