Lacking an official appraisal, you can try a kindred measure--the market capitalization of the REIT.
The nonpartisan Tax Foundation looked at this proposal, however, and found it lacking.
But a lacking mental capacity or poor attitude might impede their progress towards maximization of potential.
According to CEB, these are the things employees most see lacking in their current posts.
Today, though on the upswing, sustainability reporting is generally lacking, underscoring the need for action.
FORBES: A Tipping Point on Sustainability Disclosure in Rio?
Lacking a brand name like Fox Sports or ESPN leaves FSV without valuable promotion.
Why were security plans so lacking in such a volatile part of the world?
We've consulted several worthy experts on this scenario and found it lacking in traction.
He accused Mr. Lhota, his chief opponent, of lacking the financial resources to be credible.
WSJ: New York City GOP Mayoral Foes Catsimatidis, Lhota Taking to Airwaves
Such courage is sorely lacking on both sides of the aisle in the United States.
To argue this takes political backbone, which has been lacking in Washington and Brussels of late.
Although some might swear by these remedies, scientific evidence of their safety and effectiveness is lacking.
The humid conditions that spread rust most readily have recently been lacking in most places.
Both indiplon and Estorra are touted as lacking the "hangover" effect some patients feel with Ambien.
England went on to lose 15-9 on Saturday and have been widely criticised for lacking inspiration.
And it will show American leadership in an area where it is sorely lacking.
FORBES: Caution: Active Response to Cyber Attacks Has High Risk
Except on compulsory purchase, the white paper is lacking in promises of new legislation.
Lacking that emotional nourishment, we fill ourselves up in other ways: shopping, consuming, striving, and achieving.
There is a sense of complacency on Capitol Hill that is totally lacking in Virginia Beach.
BBC: Sequester: When budget cuts are a matter of life and death
No matter what the industry, I find the same things lacking in companies struggling to grow.
There were five different budget proposals to choose from, but I found them all lacking.
Meanwhile, Dickov was demonstrating the determination that had been so lacking in City's capitulation against Wigan.
Despite the time it took to load, the home page was pretty lacking in actual options.
But conversation has a vital import lacking in the fixed and frozen words of written speech.
NPR: 'Talking Right': Why the Left Is Losing, Linguistically
In practice, we've found the panel produces bright colors, but is lacking in contrast.
Not to say the ballad of Harold and Erica is altogether lacking in feeling.
FORBES: The Social Animal by David Brooks: A Scornful Review
In the past, industry could be broadly characterised as lacking ambition, productivity and competitiveness.
Poor countries are not lacking in entrepreneurial energy, as the bustle of countless street vendors attests.
Say what you will about Michael Saylor, he is not lacking for admirers on Wall Street.
For all their dominance, Edinburgh were lacking the spark needed to pierce the Cardiff defence.