• He accused the previous Labour government of leaking information to the media on an "unparalleled scale".

    BBC: Labour accuses government of 'flood' of Budget leaks

  • Labour sent Freedom of Information requests to all local authorities in England.

    BBC: Cash shortfall for school repairs claims Labour

  • Faced with any problem, any crisis - given any excuse - Labour grasp for more information, pulling more and more people into the clutches of state data capture.

    BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

  • Labour would apply freedom of information (FoI) laws to private firms working for the government, shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan has said.

    BBC: Labour conference: FoI laws 'should be extended'

  • Labour - which released the information - has pointed out nursing numbers in England are down nearly 7, 000 since the coalition came to power.

    BBC: Lezli Boswell

  • Labour - which released the information - points out that nursing numbers in England are down nearly 7, 000 since the coalition came to power.

    BBC: Doctor

  • The Labour Party, which released the information, has pointed out nursing numbers in England are down nearly 7, 000 since the coalition came to power.

    BBC: Lincolnshire NHS trusts: Action taken on staffing levels

  • The lack of job cuts so far may disappoint those new-economy theorists who reckon that today's information systems and flexible labour market should have led to a speedy response.

    ECONOMIST: To cut or not to cut

  • The next job as chair of the Commons public administration committee was hardly adequate consolation, even though he presided over one mammoth inquiry into the working's of Labour's proposed Freedom of Information Bill.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Morgan sets out a socialist stall

  • "Labour has already introduced trust by trust information on MRSA and it's such a priority for us that it is the only new target we added this year, " he said.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | Tories pledge to tackle superbug

  • And just as information plays a massive part in the argument about personal freedom, as what I've said about Labour's surveillance state databases demonstrates, so too is information central to the argument about political accountability.

    BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

  • When, some ask within Labour, are we going to get concrete information about the alternatives to the "goodies" presently on offer?

    BBC: Follow my leader

  • Labour has promised to pass a freedom of information law at every election since 1974, and even had a bill ready for immediate enactment ahead of the 1992 election.

    ECONOMIST: Freedom of information

  • Labour's manifesto promised a freedom of information act.


  • Labour AM Vaughan Gething called for clearer tariff information from the energy providers as he argued that the pressure to find the best deal was putting an additional burden on the poorest in the society.

    BBC: Plaid Cymru debate

  • Labour and the New Statesman magazine then submitted Freedom of Information requests.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • But Labour have accused ministers of failing to "disclose crucial material information" to MPs about the impact on homelessness when they were asked to debate the cap policy.

    BBC: Housing benefit cap won't make 20,000 homeless - Shapps

  • The report also criticised the Key Skills qualifications in numeracy, communication and information and communication technology, brought in by the Labour government to try and make school leavers more employable.

    BBC: metalwork class

  • Labour MP Ian Stewart wondered whether the large number of Freedom of Information requests to the research unit constituted "harassment".

    BBC: Science and Technology Committee

  • But Labour said this showed the scheme was in crisis and that the information technology needed for it was not ready.

    BBC: Benefits reform trial scaled back

  • Labour's Jack Straw - who helped draft the Freedom of Information Act - has said it should be re-written to create a protected space for cabinet ministers and officials to discuss policy.

    BBC: Whitehall

  • Mr Straw is at present blunting the teeth of the government's promised freedom of information bill, a landmark piece of liberal legislation which Labour made much of in opposition, but which it has already delayed for no good reason.

    ECONOMIST: The riddle of Jack Straw

  • Labour says the public will struggle to understand why the government is making information technology a priority at a time when NHS spending has been cut.

    BBC: Going paperless 'would save NHS billions'

  • Replying for the government, junior communities minister Bob Neill said the information would be published "very shortly", and accused Labour of "barking up a completely fictitious tree".

    BBC: Government extends 'right to buy' housing scheme

  • If Mr Straw's bill passes unchanged next year, as expected, Mr Blair will be able to claim that the Labour Party has fulfilled the letter of its manifesto pledge on freedom of information.

    ECONOMIST: Freedom of information

  • Progress in information and communication technology (ICT) may be occurring too fast for labour markets to keep up.

    ECONOMIST: Economics Focus

  • Shadow health minister Liz Kendall said Labour was concerned about whether the proposed requirements on care home providers to provide financial information were sufficiently strong.

    BBC: Care home regulation criticised by Norman Lamb

  • The latest information, used in this week's report, covers a period before Labour came to office.

    ECONOMIST: Labour��s crusade

  • The information came to light during an audit of some contracts started before the new Labour administration took control in last May's election.

    BBC: Birmingham Council House

  • If this persists and there is every reason to think it will, especially as telecommunications and information technology become the twin pillars of this economy a shortage of labour may soon strangle growth.

    ECONOMIST: Minnesota��s job market

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