• The participants agreed to the need to develop more robust ICH information systems both for institutional knowledge management and also for the enhanced visibility of ICH for sustainable development in the region, and identified several constraints including technological infrastructure.


  • Consumer Marketing, Customer care, Social Commerce on the consumer engagement side and knowledge management, policy management, employee onboarding, employee networking and profile manager on the enterprise collaboration side are some of the business ready applications you might want to consider before making a decision.

    FORBES: InfosysVoice: Choosing an enterprise-class, business-ready social media platform

  • Enhancing participatory planning and knowledge management through its work with local and indigenous communities, in ecological sciences and on the co-production of knowledge.

    UNESCO: United Nations Biodiversity Conference mobilises resources for biodiversity protection | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • Local and indigenous knowledge systems and environmental management practices provide valuable insight and tools for tackling ecological challenges.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Media, Empowering Indigenous Voices

  • Many developing nations and particularly SIDS still lack the scientific and management technologies and knowledge to effectively manage their marine areas.


  • It then describes a range of technical, legal, organizational, economic, training and cooperation tools that can help improve the knowledge and management of these precious resources (Part II).

    UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

  • However, the greater part of knowledge capture and management in businesses these days are spent on trying to capture and turn into assets what we colloquially refer to as best practices.

    FORBES: Shifting The Imperative From Knowledge Management To Expertise Management

  • Under a pilot scheme due to begin next autumn, heads will be invited to inspect each other's schools, drawing on their knowledge of school management and leadership in a new kind of peer-review system.

    BBC: Schools 'struggling to recruit head teachers'

  • All of the aforementioned organizations play a vital role ranging from flood forecasting to flood management and knowledge platform will enhance their inter-organizational coordination framework while sharing precipitation, stage, and discharge data in near real-time.


  • Demonstrated experience in the use of information systems, web standards and technologies, ICTs, knowledge management in support of outreach goals and organization-wide results.

    UNESCO: Job title

  • Its mission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity building to learn more about the nature and resources of the oceans and coastal areas, and to apply this knowledge to improved management, sustainable development and protection of the marine environment and the decision making processes of its 144 Member States.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • Build Efficient and Effective Knowledge Management Systems: Track connections among your own people, capturing their knowledge and experience partnership nuances, deals so they are not repeated, saving time and money.

    FORBES: Lessons from 175 years of Innovation

  • The ability to really understand buildings at this level requires a combination of skills found in both facilities knowledge and IT management.

    FORBES: Written by Dave Bartlett

  • All it requires is better application of existing management knowledge, practices and existing infrastructures, and scaling up smart and successful practices that are already working.

    FORBES: Angelina Jolie Proves Medical Care Saves Lives -- If You Can Get It

  • Kenny Yap was away at Ohio State University in the U.S. then, but returned in a few years with a formal knowledge of business and management--and a desire to make good on the sacrifice of so many fish.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Corporate plans: The Department of Labor, the agency charged with regulating corporate pensions, generally lacks knowledge of the money management and securities industries, has offered little meaningful guidance to corporate sponsors on these issues and has been even less effective in investigating wrongdoing and enforcing the laws.

    FORBES: The Growing Scrutiny of Pensions ( August 22, 2005)

  • As a leader, the fact that you would allow an employee to become indispensable to begin with means that at a minimum you have a lack of transparency and continuity in your organization, and more probably that you lack depth of talent and are weak in process and knowledge management.

    FORBES: Seth Godin's Linchpin Theory: Sound Advice or Career Suicide?

  • 'promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development and protection of the marine environment and the decision-making process of its Member States'.

    UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

  • The publication includes nine papers explore the various aspects of local and traditional knowledge and its relation to nature conservation, land management and natural resource management, and industry.


  • The success of many business projects and programs lies not just in knowledge of project management techniques, but in its execution and the leadership behind it.

    FORBES: Shifting The Imperative From Knowledge Management To Expertise Management

  • The brand, the patents, the factories, the accumulated knowledge of the workforce and management.

    FORBES: No, Of Course The US Government Isn't Bankrupt

  • We are prepared for tough times with good risk management and profound knowledge of the markets where we operate.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This then leads to the need for better knowledge and knowledge lifecycle management, very often ignoring the situation as driven by the original creators.

    FORBES: Shifting The Imperative From Knowledge Management To Expertise Management

  • An expert in managing people in the workplace, Anne is the founder of Anne Libby Management Consulting LLC, where she works with senior leaders, founders, business owners to build excellent general management practices and knowledge into their firms.

    FORBES: First-Time Manager? How to Fast-Track Your Education

  • Instead create a culture that values transparency, knowledge management, mentoring, coaching, and process.

    FORBES: Seth Godin's Linchpin Theory: Sound Advice or Career Suicide?

  • Knowledge management, corporate security, HR and legal will be forced to embrace social media within their firewalls and employees seek to connect at work.

    FORBES: Looking Back, Looking Ahead - CMOs Weigh In

  • Cripe and Caplan say it has been Tenet's practice over the years to deny knowledge by management of allegations of wrongdoing by hospital doctors and staff.

    CNN: New Orleans hospital operator has checkered past

  • Through the application of this knowledge the Commission aims to improve management practices and the decision-making process of its Member States, foster sustainable development, and protect the marine environment.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • The need for more money should be preceded by understanding the need for better management and strategy, improved knowledge about customers and outcomes, and other aspects of the operations of an agency or a charity.

    FORBES: Like Humans Need Oxygen, Bureaucrats Always Need More Money

  • Stimulate strategic thinking in the area of education planning and management taking into account state of the art knowledge, needs of the Governments, as well as initiatives and services provided by international development agencies.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Section (23/11/2011) ED 385 - (P5)

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