• Each week, a session is set aside for group work, during which the students work on their self-esteem and communication skills, gain knowledge of their rights and the rules of the centre, analyse and resolve conflicts within the group and evaluate the activities in which they have participated.

    UNESCO: Country Profile: Uruguay

  • Even if someone has a good eye, experience and knowledge of the rules, only the best umpires have an exceptionally cool head.

    FORBES: How To Become A Chair Umpire

  • Studio executives could, she says, also make more accurate predictions by exploiting inside knowledge and tuning her model using industry rules of thumb.

    ECONOMIST: Film economics

  • They symbolize generosity, tolerance, inoffensiveness and mastery of knowledge, embodying the rules of conduct that they advocate for others.

    UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • This is, again, conditional upon possessing knowledge about Islamic law, knowing rules and regulations of the Islamic judiciary system in Islam, and choosing a branch of practice as close in specialty as possible to the rules and regulations of Islamic law.


  • On the whole, members of this generation expect approbation, have weak basic skills and large knowledge gaps, confuse effort with quality, multitask, follow rules (occasionally to a fault), and blur the boundaries between their social and work lives.

    FORBES: How to Employ New Graduates (Without Driving Yourself Crazy)

  • Drivers are cautioned by their overall knowledge of physics, rules of the road and good sense.

    FORBES: Lemon Squares and the Acceptance Thereof

  • In these businesses, called knowledge-process outsourcing and legal-process outsourcing, India still rules supreme.

    ECONOMIST: How the Philippines beat India in call centres

  • Does the person who wrote these rules have anything other than a cursory knowledge of Twitter, Facebook and other social media?

    FORBES: Should your boss have veto power over your Facebook profile?

  • Linguistic-knowledge translators have two sets of grammatical rules one for the source language and one for the target.

    ECONOMIST: A gift of tongues

  • And if dead and decomposing bodies aren't your thing you can test your knowledge of the rules of taxonomic nomenclature by suggesting new names for five species of deep-sea worm, recently discovered around hydrothermal vents off Antarctica.

    BBC: Forensic science uncovered

  • But empowering end users is just one step in an end-to-end analytics value chain, which consists of cleaning data, storing it, preparing it for analysis, monitoring data for key events as it arrives, capturing knowledge in rules-based playbooks, delivering subsets to those who need it, and giving them the tools to analyze it.

    FORBES: Curing the Big Data Storage Fetish

  • At the same time, these rules should recognize and facilitate the enormous potential of the crowd to inject capital and knowledge into early stage companies acrossAmerica.

    FORBES: Happy First Birthday JOBS Act

  • Sinn Fein has denied any knowledge of a deal, but said it would welcome it and stressed it has always sought a change in the rules.

    BBC: Irish MPs to get Westminster option

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