• "To make it firmer on one side, to slow him down and keep him off the big toe, " Harken explains.

    NPR: Go the Distance with a Well-Fitted or High-Tech Shoe

  • If you are using a charcoal or wood fire, bank it to one side of your grill and keep the fire as low as possible, starting with just enough fuel to get heat, about 15 briquettes or the equivalent in hardwood charcoal.

    NPR: Grill-Off: Bittman Takes on America's Chefs

  • Gomes showed the more positive side of his game with a stunning one-handed diving save to keep out Clint Dempsey's long-range, left-foot drive.

    BBC: Fulham 2-1 Tottenham

  • The Marines are being advised to keep their eyes on both sides of the street: Just because they are engaged from one side of the street doesn't mean that they cannot be engaged from the other.

    CNN: Savidge

  • His job is to keep the ship on the straight and narrow, avoiding the twin dangers of inflation on the one side and recession on the other.

    FORBES: Ben Bernanke Is Steering Us Off Course

  • In conclusion, as you look this week for the last stocks that may pay special dividends, keep the criteria discussed earlier in mind, and consider purchasing a call spread that allows you to exercise one side and collect the dividend or make money on an up move, yet is defined in risk to the downside.

    FORBES: Bonus Time: Playing The Special Dividend Trend Through Options

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