• David Ji was born Ji Long Fen on Aug. 5, 1952 in Jintan, Jiangsu Province.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Liang met his future business partner Ji Qi when Ji applied to sell Oracle's software in China.

    FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

  • Its U.S. lawyer, Auspitz, insists his client helped lobby for Ji's release in the summer--and adds that Changhong's lawsuit won't rely on the documents Ji signed after his arrest.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Ji's attorneys said Changhong was wildly overstating the debt and insisted that Ji issued the checks after a Changhong executive said he merely wanted to hold them for security and wouldn't cash them.

    FORBES: The mysterious case of David Ji.

  • On the morning of Oct. 23, as Ji was staying at a hotel in Shenzhen, Changhong officials, escorted by police from their home city of Minyang, accosted Ji in his room and took him away, an employee traveling with him later said.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • What the video doesn't show is this:The day before, an uncooperative Ji, flanked by guards, was taken to see Changhong's senior management, Ji's lawyer said in an account put together for Congressmen who are following the case and who were provided the videos, all of which FORBES obtained.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • What the video doesn't show is this:The day before, an uncooperative Ji, flanked by guards, was taken to see Changhong's senior management (as Ji's lawyer said in an account put together for U.S. congressmen who are following the case and who were given the video that FORBES obtained).

    FORBES: Held Hostage In China

  • Ji's junior partner and longtime friend Ancle Hsu also resigned as acting chief executive of Apex.


  • So why hasn't Ji, who was never charged with any crime, booked a ticket home?


  • The next morning Minyang police burst into Ji's room on the 18th floor and arrested him.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Ji says he welcomes international customers, but currently 90% of Hanting guests are Chinese business travelers.


  • Entrepreneur David Ji's Chinese accusers keep telling the world they've settled their commercial differences with him.


  • In his view, Ji -- as he called his son -- could do no wrong.

    CNN: Ex-NBA star coaches middle school, transforms his 'hood

  • Last October, the United States designated the Jemaah Islamiyah Islamic (JI) group a terrorist organization.

    CNN: New Malaysia terror threat warning

  • Mr Ba'asyir, 64, has repeatedly denied links with terrorism and has denied that JI even exists.

    BBC: Australia unveils anti-terror plans

  • As a result, JI lost any shred of popular support it had once enjoyed.

    CNN: Should we still fear al Qaeda?

  • The 30-year-old, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, is doing compulsory military service until this year.

    BBC: South Korean singer Rain in military service row

  • Also giving evidence, Everton fan John Murmame said he heard Blything shout abuse at Ji-Sung.

    BBC: Everton fan guilty of racist abuse at Loftus Road

  • Ji was out on qubao houshen, a type of noncustodial detention akin to being out on bail.

    FORBES: The mysterious case of David Ji.

  • JI's breeding-grounds points to the network still being able to lay down firm foundations for the future.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • JI's alleged operations chief, Hambali, future convictions seem uncertain unless there is a change of heart there.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • David Ji has spent nearly a year in custody in China without being charged with a crime.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But on his recent trip to America he announced that Thailand had arrested three suspected JI members.

    ECONOMIST: A spreading menace | The

  • In 1993 Ji finally could afford to bring his wife and daughter to live with him in America.

    FORBES: International

  • Orders exploded, and Ji expanded to four vendors, including Changhong, and began selling to Wal-Mart and Best Buy.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But Ji believes that foreign competitors will find it hard to compete with Hanting on its home turf.


  • In early January Ji was escorted back to Minyang and held, under guard, at Fu La Shan Hotel.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • JI's military leaders, the group's current plans and the extent of its network remain something of a mystery.

    ECONOMIST: Terrorism in South-East Asia

  • In the same month the World Poker Tour introduced Chinese poker, or Tuo La Ji, to television viewers.

    ECONOMIST: Horse racing in China

  • The JI has been joined by the rest of the opposition in calling for the prime minister's ouster.

    CNN: The President Confronts The Premier

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