• Thanks to the nodal position of the prefectures, sitting as they do between the centre and Japan's 3, 200 municipal governments, these ties have helped to preserve in modern Japan some of the features of pre-war society: uniform, centrally-determined policies and docile obedience in carrying them out.

    ECONOMIST: Japan

  • Published this week in the U.S. by Harper Collins (no one in Japan has yet agreed to translate and publish the work), Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan relies on diaries, memoirs and war-era documents that have been unearthed in Japan since the Emperor died in 1989.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Lesser Majesty

  • Foreigners are tolerated in modern Japan, although they were banished for hundreds of years.

    ECONOMIST: Japan's sick economy

  • The image of Hirohito as a pacifist patriot forms the core of Japan's modern orthodoxy.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Lesser Majesty

  • Those who have worked with machines to create modern Japan receive similar recognition from the Labor Ministry.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | GizmoLand! | Man Beats Machine

  • But if modern Japan has abandoned its national recreation, Moriyama, a conservative enclave in Kanazawa city, has not.

    CNN: Wrestle Mania

  • If he lasts to the end of his term, Mr Hashimoto popular or not will become one of modern Japan's longest-serving prime ministers.

    ECONOMIST: Hashimoto��s curious comeback

  • Sociologists claim the lyrics have caught a popular mood of the shared hardship experienced during the worst and longest recession in modern Japan.

    ECONOMIST: Gooey trio��s cheery message

  • The Meiji emperor then presided over the creation of modern Japan.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The cults, it seems, like other businesses, are feeling the effects of the longest recession in Japan's modern history and have responded with strong-arm sales tactics.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese cults

  • In order to understand the nature of this search--and to grasp its implications for modern Japan--it is necessary to look at some recent trends in Japanese historiography.

    ECONOMIST: The once and future boom

  • The panpan ladies, with their brightly rouged lips and colourful clothing, had merely been the first to grasp the new ideology materialism that was to become the creed of modern Japan.

    ECONOMIST: Japanese history

  • In China (no promulgator of honest textbooks itself) the government must abandon its habit of using Japanophobia as an outlet for populist anger, when modern Japan has been such a force for peace and prosperity in Asia.

    ECONOMIST: Japan and China

  • Modern Japan has rapidly urbanized.


  • At the end of last week Japan sent two of its most modern warships to the Sea of Japan with orders to shoot down any missiles fired by North Korea towards the Japanese islands.

    BBC: UN chief Ban: Korea crisis could become 'uncontrollable'

  • There is such a thing as good deflation and, in mirroring late nineteenth century America, the experience of Japan is the authentic modern manifestation of the phenomenon.

    FORBES: Is the Bank of Japan Really Easing -- Or Does It Just Want to Depreciate the Yen?

  • These raised the sea level, producing Japan's meandering modern coastline with its prolific crops of shellfish and edible seaweed, and also permitted the spread of deciduous forests, which provide a cornucopia of nuts, berries and shoots that do not run away.

    ECONOMIST: A potted history

  • But in a region with vivid memories of Japan's World War II atrocities, rife with ancient animosities and modern rivalries, moves by Japan to reassert itself militarily have met with fierce opposition in the past.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But in a region with vivid memories of Japan's World War II atrocities, rife with ancient animosities and modern rivalries, any assertions of Japan's military might have been met with fierce opposition.

    FORBES: The Front Line

  • If the crown prince and princess are turning to modern medicine, Japan is well-served by top specialists and the latest technologies.


  • Supposedly superior models in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan energized throngs and produced modern arms far more than did a Grapes of Wrath America.

    FORBES: In Which Victor Davis Hanson Conclusively Demonstrates His Cluelessness About Russia, the Reset, and Eastern Europe

  • Iwona has lectured all over the world including at the Toyama Museum of Modern Art in Japan, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp and the Louisiana Museum, Denmark.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • In Japan, a country with a strong modern pacifist streak, winning the hearts and minds of the citizenry may be the military's biggest battle.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • That recipe, adds Cracco, is a good example of how the best modern Italian cuisine has been influenced by Japan.

    WSJ: Chef Carlo Cracco's Food of Love

  • In the mid-afternoon on Friday, March 11 the seismic sensors at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant in the Fukushima Prefecture of Japan registered the earliest indications of the largest earthquake in modern Japanese history.

    FORBES: Explainer: What Caused The Incident At Fukushima-Daiichi

  • The psychopathic national socialism of Nazi Germany, communism of Stalinist Soviet rule and fascism of imperial Japan (whose oppressive bureaucratic machinery has survived well into the modern era) surely bear Weber out.

    ECONOMIST: Face value

  • If Japan, too, can address its problems as the sort of modern society it fancies itself to be, the world will be greatly relieved.

    FORBES: Capital and capitalism

  • America, Japan and Germany are all relatively open to foreign trade, have modern infrastructure and enjoy the rule of law some of the crucial ingredients for growth.

    ECONOMIST: Glittering economic prizes

  • Following a model used by Japan and Korea, China is also encouraging foreign automakers to bring modern emissions and safety technology and share it with their Chinese partners.

    FORBES: Thanks, Now Move Over

  • In Japan, where there is no native tradition of jewel making, some modern jewellers have resurrected techniques used to decorate Samurai swords. (Historically, the links between jewellers and armourers is close in many cultures.) The distilled and uncluttered purity of new Japanese jewellery is without equal.

    ECONOMIST: Contemporary jewellery

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