• So it would be better to put that federal money into the buyout offers, he said.

    NPR: Feds Propose Massive Buyout for Mississippi Coast

  • But it would be better to have that inevitable recession as far into the future as possible, and preferably with a little inflationary cushion and some room for active policy responses.

    FORBES: Deflation Dissected

  • Royal, whose smaller size means that it is even more vulnerable to the slowdown in global tourism spending, may decide that it would be better to swallow its pride and wait in the hope that the regulator's verdict goes its way.

    BBC: Valentine test for Princess tie-up

  • Europe has hesitated more than the United States to subject its banks to measures like stress tests because of an entrenched belief that it would be better to wait for the market to recover and for the bad assets that banks still hold to pick up on value.

    FORBES: Global Economy

  • In the days following the preannouncement, management said, it had a change of heart and concluded that it would be better to go with the more conservative end of that range and report the larger write-downs.

    FORBES: Merrill Under Fire

  • So instead of shaking our collective heads in disgust, with acid-in-tongue comments like players are too dumb to understand it, or owners are too greedy to share it, we should simply recognize that although it would be better to sit at the kitchen table and hash it out like a honest principled family, this is just a day in the life of transactional law.

    FORBES: Details Of NBA Labor Talks Are More Devilish Than We Can Imagine

  • This optimal tax argument suggests that if we expect government spending to rise as a share of the economy (because of demographics, aging, health care, for example), it would be better to raise taxes now (that is run surpluses) to prevent a much larger increase in taxes in the future.

    FORBES: Should we Run Deficits Forever?

  • But they would be wrong to conclude that it is better to keep all their money at home.

    ECONOMIST: Home, sweet home?

  • Gilbert Welch, a researcher with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, calls the huge effort to find a dietary solution "tinkering" and argues that it would be better to invest in new treatments.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Better it would be to acknowledge that which is true.

    FORBES: The Good And Bad Of Linda Chavez's Stance On Immigration

  • Some gays think it would be better to limit their ambitions to that, rather than seeking full social equality, for fear of provoking a backlash of the sort perhaps epitomised by Mr Bush this week.

    ECONOMIST: It rests on equality, liberty and even society

  • But it seems that it would be pretty easy to argue that uncertainty is better than a default.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • While it is always better to be prepared, my money would be on the protagonist that had a better sense of self control and could repress dangerous emotions, rather than the obsessive over-planner that had top-of-the-line equipment but was prone to dangerous panic attacks.

    FORBES: Winning At The Great Head Game Of Investing

  • Hospital bosses said the specialist procedure was carried out so rarely in Liverpool that it would be better to be done by doctors in Manchester.

    BBC: Alder Hey Children's Hospital

  • My instinct is that it would be better to fight now.

    FORBES: How The GOP Should Play The Government Shutdown Threat

  • Stewart Regan from the Scottish Football Association also agreed that it would be better to have the legislation ready for the first match of the season.

    BBC: Justice Committee

  • Ronald Reagan launched his Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983 out of a conviction that it would be better to "protect American lives than to avenge them" after a nuclear missile attack.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The Daily Telegraph's radio critic Gillian Reynolds said she agreed with Claire Fox of the Institute of Ideas who suggested on Radio 4's Any Questions that it would be better to let sleeping dogs lie.

    BBC: Savile allegations 'will not go away'

  • The only hold-up was the insistence of Admiral Tirpitz that it would be better to wait for the Baltic-North Sea canal to be widened and deepened (due in July 1914) and a submarine harbour on Heligoland to be completed.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • But he does not appear to think, as many do, that this was because they thought Srebrenica could not be held and that it would be better to lose it in war than give it up at the peace table in exchange for land elsewhere.

    ECONOMIST: The Yugoslav war

  • While a commission is probably the appropriate body to establish the rules and regulations that govern the securities markets, it would be better to have a single individual with the authority to bring or settle cases, an individual who has extensive litigation experience and experience conducting investigations.

    FORBES: The SEC -- A Troubled Agency

  • Given that, does it not make sense to suppose that Mr. Arafat decided he would be better off positioning himself not as a Palestinian Sadat, but rather as a Palestinian Moses leading his people to the promised land but not into the promised land?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Antidote to Outrageous Palestinian Revisionism and Agitprop

  • And I agree that it probably would be better to have a move to just one set of such rules.

    FORBES: Facebook Doesn't Pay Taxes On Its Profits: So What?

  • Indeed, a Jacksonian president would recognize that it would be far better to expend the US's power to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad - an open and active foe of the US - and so influence the nature of a post-Assad government.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Jacksonian Foreign Policy Option

  • It is always prudent to prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but in our view it would be better first to halt the tightening cycle and announce that the bank is ready to move instead of abruptly shifting gears from tightening to easing.

    FORBES: Is Brazil's Sharp Rate Cut Forecasting Recession?

  • Sure, central planning ranges from the sort of Stalinist nonsense that killed tens of millions right through to those of today who insist that it would be much better if America had a really nice and expensive train set.

    FORBES: What's The Attraction Of Central Planning Of The Economy?

  • It is great that consumers consistently tell pollsters that they are willing to choose products that demonstrate greater sustainability, but it would be even better if more of them followed through on this commitment at the check-out.

    ECONOMIST: The Opposition's closing statement

  • In fact, Treasury probably agreed, as an owner, that it would be better for GM to finally get the weak financial reporting controls monkey off its back.

    FORBES: Numbers At General Motors Just Don't Add Up

  • But when people meet doting gay parents such as Ray and Rodney, they find it hard to argue that their son would be better off in a foster home.

    ECONOMIST: Gay marriage

  • If you feel that it would be better for you to follow your entrepreneur dreams and drop out of school or not go to college just for this time period, then do it.

    FORBES: An Uncensored Interview with Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger

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