• In 1920, the San Remo Conference determined that the legal title to the Land of Israel - including Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria belonged to the Jewish people.


  • And now, owing to the Left's anti-Israel onslaught, anyone murdered in Jerusalem - or anywhere else for that matter - will be dismissed as a product of fully justified Muslim anger.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: March of the red/green brigades

  • But Israel regards East Jerusalem - which it annexed in 1967 - as its territory.

    BBC: Obama aide condemns 'destructive' Israeli homes plan

  • One of Egypt's leading Islamic clerics has prayed at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, despite Arab opposition to visiting Israel-controlled areas.

    BBC: Egypt's grand mufti visits Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque

  • Add in his view that Israel must withdraw fully to the 1967 borders (albeit with some "swaps" of territory) - what amounts, implicitly, if not explicitly to a call for the re-partitioning of Jerusalem - and the expectations can only be fanned among Israel's many enemies that the moment is arriving at last, to drive the Jews into the sea.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The Council confirmed that the EU would not recognise any changes made by Israel to its post-1967 borders, and insisted that Jerusalem must be the capital of both Israel and any future Palestinian state.

    BBC: European Parliament

  • As Israel targeted Hamas military commanders and weaponry, Palestinian militants continued to fire rockets into Israel, battering the southern region and reaching Israel's two major cities -- Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

    CNN: Rockets from Gaza hit Israeli city during Obama visit

  • Israel has sought to ring-fence East Jerusalem from any territorial retreat, and it hopes to annex the largest settlement blocs on the east side of the Green Line, which house a large majority of settlers.

    BBC: Obstacles to Middle East peace: Borders and settlements

  • Egyptian religious and professional groups have traditionally refused to visit Israel or Israeli-controlled Palestinian areas in protest at Israel's occupation of East Jerusalem and Palestinian territories.

    BBC: Egypt's grand mufti visits Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque

  • He also continues to report from the field, most notably covering the Israel-Hezbollah war from both Gaza and Jerusalem in 2014.

    CNN: CNN Profiles - John Vause - Anchor/Correspondent

  • One reason why is that Israel's post-1967 dream of making Jerusalem into a predominantly Jewish capital has comprehensively failed.

    ECONOMIST: Hope in a hate-infected city

  • The three sovereign states of Israel, Palestine and the city-state of Jerusalem would elect their own legislatures and representatives to a federal parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • The abject abandonment of Judaism's holiest site by successive governments has facilitated not only the radicalization of Jerusalem Arabs from surrounding neighborhoods, like Silwan, it has also emboldened global jihadists to believe that Jerusalem - and Israel with it - will soon fall into their hands.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: All roads lead to Jerusalem

  • Until his May 19 speech, the US agreed with Israel that the issue of borders is only one of many - including the Palestinians' rejection of Israel's right to exist, their demand to inundate Israel with millions of foreign Arab immigrants, their demand for control over Israel's water supply and Jerusalem - that have to be sorted out in negotiations.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Where Obama is leading Israel

  • Peaceniks in Israel are trying to find consolation in the fact that Israel's decades-long, dogmatic insistence that Jerusalem is non-negotiable has now been irrevocably punctured.

    ECONOMIST: Home from Camp David

  • Far more newsworthy than her criticism of Netanyahu was her public rebuke of Obama this week for his attempt to strong-arm Israel into barring Jewish construction in Jerusalem's Gilo neighborhood.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Whither American Jewry?

  • As they tell it, the news that Israel has not banned Jewish construction in Jerusalem - after repeatedly refusing to ban such construction - drove Obama into a fit of uncontrolled rage from which he has yet to recover.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Why Obama is waging war on Israel

  • Israel seized East Jerusalem from Jordan during the Six-Day War in 1967 and regards the land as part of its undivided capital.

    CNN: Abbas: Israeli settlements 'greatest obstacle' to peace

  • Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordan during the six-day war of 1967.

    BBC: Egypt's grand mufti visits Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque

  • He said Jerusalem would remain the capital of Israel -- refusing to yield on a sensitive issue for Palestinians -- and that a Palestinian state would have to be fully demilitarized to ensure the safety of Israel.

    CNN: Israel PM calls for demilitarized Palestinian state

  • NABLUS, West Bank (CNN) -- Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat on Thursday criticized Israel's decision to build housing for Jews in Arab east Jerusalem, saying it was a violation of Israeli-Palestinian peace moves.

    CNN: Arafat: Housing plan violates peace process

  • So it was that in her first speech as the EU's new foreign policy chief, Britain's Catherine Ashton went out of her way to condemn Israel for building in Jerusalem, closing its border with Hamas-controlled Gaza and defending itself from Palestinian terrorists in Judea and Samaria.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Keeping Zionism's promise

  • Much of the construction takes place in so-called "settlement blocs" close to Israel and in east Jerusalem.

    NPR: Palestinians Cool To Partial Settlement Freeze

  • The logic appears to be to get Israel to freeze settlements, the Arab states to offer up partial normalization and together this will somehow get Israel and the Palestinians into a successful negotiation on the toughest issues -- Jerusalem, borders and refugees.

    CNN: Commentary: Does Obama want to change Israeli government?

  • He envisioned a Palestinian state based on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as capital -- a scenario unacceptable to Israel.


  • Given that it is election season, and then-candidate Obama's stated support for Jerusalem as Israel's capital in 2008, the Obama administration could reasonably have made its own endorsement of Jerusalem as Israel's capital city.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel -- Obama's wedge issue

  • The only place where Obama may soon be able to point to a success is in his policy of coercing Israel to adopt his anti-Semitic demand to bar Jews from building homes in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.


  • Gates was a member of the 2006 Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group that recommended the US pressure Israel to surrender Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights in order to appease the Arab world and pave the way for a US withdrawal from Iraq.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: American Jews and the Liberal Art of Demonization

  • When Israel became bogged down, the US forced Jerusalem to accept a cease-fire that left Hizbullah in charge of southern Lebanon and allowed it to rebuild its arsenals and present its campaign against the Jews as a strategic victory for the forces of jihad.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Bush's parting lesson

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