• The investigation of military personnel came after nine U.S. Secret Service agents were dismissed for spending time with prostitutes in Cartagena, where they had been sent to prepare for the president's trip.

    CNN: Military report details misconduct on Colombia trip

  • The National Transportation Safety Board has not yet opened a formal investigation, but has dispatched personnel to the scene in Boston, according to spokesman Eric Weiss.

    WSJ: Japan Airlines' Jet Suffers Fire in Boston

  • Taken together, the FDLE's conduct suggests that its personnel deliberately conducted an investigation that is both incomplete and misleading.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Death sentence? The FDLE Report

  • Train legal personnel on best practices for the investigation and prosecution of these crimes.

    CNN: The dark side of social media: A new way to rape

  • The only other case of British service personnel being killed by in friendly fire involving American military personnel in Afghanistan in still under investigation.

    BBC: UK soldiers in Afghanistan

  • They are the first military personnel to be arrested in connection with the investigation.

    BBC: Two arrests in Turkey 'coup plot'

  • At the U.S. embassy, some Secret Service personnel saw the report and began an immediate investigation, he said.

    WSJ: Secret Service Agents in Scandal Placed on Leave

  • An employee of the Defense Department's Criminal Investigative Services, assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force, ultimately decided to drop the investigation after reviewing the intercepted communications and Hasan's personnel files.


  • An employee of the Defense Department's Criminal Investigative Services, assigned to the Joint Terrorism Task Force, ultimately made the decision to drop the investigation after reviewing the intercepted communications and Hasan's personnel files.


  • The FBI Vault file covers Felt's personnel file from 1941 to 1978 and a 1956 investigation into an extortion threat made against Felt.


  • Despite assurances by Hun Sen to both U.N. representatives and Japanese PM Hashimoto Ryutaro, no progress has been made in the investigation of the well-documented killings of 41 Funcinpec-related personnel in the aftermath of the July coup.


  • As part of his investigation, Starr's team would like to hear what Secret Service personnel know of any contacts between the president and Lewinsky.

    CNN: Investigating the President

  • Mr. Obama said that if prostitution allegations prove true, Secret Service agents now under investigation will have failed to meet the high standards expected for U.S. personnel traveling abroad.

    WSJ: Secret Service to Get a Closer Look

  • Pfizer has a global security team including former U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and Turkish narcotics agents, Hong Kong police and U.K. law-enforcement personnel to conduct undercover purchases and do other investigations.

    WSJ: Fakes Infiltrate Injectable Drugs

  • On Monday, officials said a member of the U.S. military assigned to the White House Communications Agency was under investigation in connection with alleged misconduct in Colombia, bringing to 12 the total number of military personnel being reviewed.


  • His firing is under investigation by the Alaska Legislature, but Palin's attorneys filed papers this week to request Alaska's Personnel Board take over the probe.

    CNN: Palin aides peeked into trooper's files, union says

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