• So there is the risk of both respiratory and intestinal disease.

    ECONOMIST: Many survivors of October's earthquake are still at risk

  • Johne's Disease (paratuberculosis) is a debilitating incurable intestinal disease in cattle.

    BBC: Crohn's Disease

  • Beekeepers have expensive controls for mites, viruses and the intestinal disease, and when appropriately applied, those can curb the worst of these problems to an acceptable level -- if the bees are healthy to begin with.

    CNN: What's killing the bees

  • This may be due to surgery to your stomach or small intestine (such as gastric bypass surgery), abnormal bacterial growth in your small intestine, or an intestinal disease, such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease, that interferes with absorption of the vitamin.

    CNN: Vitamin deficiency anemia

  • Intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn's Disease have similarities and Crohn's patients tend to respond well to treatments for intestinal TB.

    BBC: Crohn's Disease

  • In 1999 Isis' (nasdaq: ISIS - news - people ) long-awaited drug for Crohn's disease, a severe intestinal disorder, failed to outperform a sugar pill in a pivotal test with 300 patients.

    FORBES: Antisense and Sensibility

  • Osiris Therapeutics of Baltimore has several trials under way using adult stem cells to treat the intestinal inflammation known as Crohn's disease, repair damaged tissue following a heart attack and prevent the progression of arthritis.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Cytori has also developed a Celution system, which has completed two clinical trials, for applications in cardiovascular disease, wound healing, gastronomical intestinal disorders and urinary incontinence.

    FORBES: Human Body's Fat Seen As best Source of Stem Cells For Regenerative Therapies

  • This is a big deal for the one in 133 (or three million) Americans who have celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder that damages the intestinal lining and causes a vast array of gastro-intestinal and other symptoms) and are tired of guessing at which products are safe for them to consume.

    FORBES: Setting the Record Straight on Gluten-Free Eating and Celiac Disease: An Entrepreneur Takes on Washington

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