• Her husband is cinematographer Danny Moder, and after a day of interviews that accompany every major movie release she is keen to get home to them.

    BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Roberts' role as working mother

  • And so, again, remember that after she was finally notified, it was the next day that she had the job interviews.


  • Congress began looking at this loan in February of 2010, and everything disclosed in the 215, 000 pages of documents, the 14 committee staff briefings, the 5 congressional hearings, the 72, 000 pages from Solyndra investors, and committee interviews with George Kaiser affirm what we have said since day one, that this was a merit-based decision.

    WHITEHOUSE: Gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Orlando, FL,

  • Have a 60-day plan: You most likely established during your first-round interviews that you have the basic skills to do the job.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • One act from the top five will be featured on the BBC News website and BBC Sound of 2011 website every day that week, while BBC Radio 1 will broadcast sessions and interviews with the acts.

    BBC: Sound of 2011 list revealed

  • And as you know, he has given some interviews in that time to journalists who have asked some questions about all of the pressing issues of the day.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And in fact, the day after -- if you look back on Exhibit 1-- you'll see that the day after the December 17 time frame that she was informed that she was on the witness list, the next day they already had lined up job interviews for her.


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