• This was a watershed in modern Indian history, exacerbating tensions between the Hindu majority and Muslim minority.

    ECONOMIST: The mosque at Ayodhya

  • The December 2001 attack was one of the most controversial incidents in recent Indian history, correspondents say.

    BBC: Afzal Guru: Delhi parliament attack plotter hanged

  • In his second term, he has presided over what is arguably the most corrupt government in Indian history.

    BBC: Manmohan Singh at 80

  • Despite a West Indian history immersed in the rum trade, the Seven Fathoms Distillery produces the only spirit made entirely in the Cayman Islands.

    BBC: Sunken rum in the Cayman Islands

  • Monuments, such as Mexico city's lavish anthropology museum, were built in their honour, and artists like Diego Rivera glorified Indian history in their government-commissioned murals.

    ECONOMIST: The Mexicans treated as aliens in their own country

  • Elephants have played a major part in Indian history and culture.

    BBC: 'How an elephant changed my life'

  • Here I will merely provide a brief overview of Pakistan within the larger context of Indian history, or more appropriately, the history of Islam and Muslims in India.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Muslim-on-Muslim Violence

  • The incumbent coalition led by Nitish Kumar, a capable, low-caste chief minister who has built lots of new roads, schools and hospitals in the past five years, scooped 206 one of the biggest electoral victories in Indian history.

    ECONOMIST: Indian politics: Nothing to smile about | The

  • Indian Muslims had a history of violent opposition to the British that was at odds with Gandhi's non-violence.

    ECONOMIST: Was Partition always going to be violent?

  • Above all, it is a fine and detailed history of Indian Muslim anger and insecurity, spawned by the 18th-century decline of the Mughals, and the way this played out in the freedom struggle.

    ECONOMIST: Was Partition always going to be violent?

  • Like individual European countries, each Indian state has its own history, culture, language and food.

    NPR: Indian Food: Eating in Technicolor

  • As cooler heads in the Indian government well know, history is riddled with examples of parties that initiated hostilities in the belief that conflict would resolutely resolve outstanding issues.


  • Its story is a primer of American history Indian treaties, conflicts with Britain, the Civil War, the industrial age, the ad age, two world wars, one cold war, environmentalism, globalism.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Inventing Niagara'

  • As cooler heads in the Indian government well know, history is riddled with examples of parties that initiated hostilities in the belief that conflict would resolve once and for all outstanding issues.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Chinese and Indian venture only has a 10-year history compared with 30-plus in the Valley.

    FORBES: Women VCs Rule More Often At China Venture Firms Than In Silicon Valley

  • Jindal made history as well, becoming the first Indian-American to serve as governor of a U.S. state.

    NPR: Political Junkie: Jindal, Nation's Youngest Governor

  • An Indian car may soon earn a parking place in history alongside Ford's Model T, Volkswagen's Beetle and the British Motor Corp.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In the old part of town, near the Pangani River, a few buildings from the German colonial era and old houses of Indian traders bear cobwebbed witness to this part of history.

    BBC: Tanzania without the crowds

  • HISTORY, as Murli Manohar Joshi, an Indian minister, is discovering, can be a cause of trouble in politics.

    ECONOMIST: Rewriting history for schools

  • The left-hander accumulated made 1, 656 runs in the calendar year, the third highest in Test history behind Pakistan's Mohammad Yousuf and West Indian legend Viv Richards.

    BBC: Smith savours 'greatest moment'

  • Dr. Joseph Medicine Crow is the last living Plains Indian war chief, and author of works on Native American history and culture who has served as an inspiration to young Native Americans across the country.

    WHITEHOUSE: 2009 Medal of Freedom Recipients

  • Relative to their vast Indian neighbour, for example, Pakistan's cricketers have a history of punching above their weight.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • The Englishman escaped, the Indian survived, and each went home to other matters, but history was not nearly so kind to the Zulus.

    NPR: One Boy's Heroism in the Face of AIDS

  • Yet another, Pattinson, has been the Aussies' best bowler in the series, and was missed the most of the absent players at Mohali although it probably wouldn't have mattered who was bowling as Indian opener Shikar Dhawan compiled the fastest Test century on a debut in history on his way to 187.

    WSJ: Aussie Wrangling Raises a Laugh

  • As these two books show, for too long now Congress has ridden on the back of its grand history and its entrenched position as the default option for the undecided Indian voter.

    WSJ: Bookshelf: India's Past, Present, and Perhaps Future

  • He admitted Suzuki into the Indian car market, albeit under onerous conditions, thus demonstrating to a grateful India that the history of car design did not end with the Morris Oxford, on which the country's famous Ambassador car is based.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus

  • Although the city's history and architecture reflects an Afrikaan and English presence, the second largest population there is Indian.

    BBC: Sport | Cricket | World Cup 2003 | Venues Guide

  • For that matter, when Afghanistan makes its inevitable appearance geographic history always ends in Afghanistan, the way baseball history ends in Yankee Stadium it is hard not to be struck by the news that Indian trade overland across Central Asia is expected to grow by a hundred billion dollars annually, and that all that stands in the way of this growth is an unstable Afghanistan.

    NEWYORKER: Faces, Places, Spaces

  • Different folklore traces the history and the name of this meal, but the current dish has its roots in African and West Indian traditions and was most likely brought over by slaves to North America.

    CNN: 10 global New Year's eats

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