• What is not in doubt is that the subprime crisis has exposed four deep flaws in the practice of securitisation.

    ECONOMIST: Securitisation

  • He says he was never personally involved in the practice of torture.

    BBC: News

  • Computers would enable improvements in the practice of medicine and make it safer, higher quality, more affordable and more efficient all at the same time.

    FORBES: Why Haven't Electronic Health Records Made Us Healthier?

  • At the center of the judge's ruling is a finding that prosecutors across the state participated in the practice of excluding potential black jurors.


  • He directs the MedSeq Project, the first National Institutes of Health study to examine the impact of whole genome sequencing in the practice of medicine.

    WSJ: Should Healthy People Have Their Genomes Sequenced?

  • Shaw had already been in the practice of ending conversations with light prods for juicy office gossip he told Forbes, but he found that employees were sometimes taken aback by his curiosity.

    FORBES: How Rumors Could Actually Strengthen Your Company Culture

  • When Leslie and I were coming up in the practice of law, firms large, medium and small, tended to make associates equity partners if they were great lawyers and showed promise as productive shepherds of existing business.

    FORBES: Women Lawyers: Impressive Successes and Babies at 50

  • As a result, his business roots are steeped in the practice of protecting the image of a retail brand, which is what the Carolina Panthers unquestionably are, and what Newton is becoming through his growing trough of endorsements.

    FORBES: Tattoo Snafu in Charlotte All About Brand Management

  • One is that in the 1970s it was clear that the ability to move genes between creatures was going to bring about a huge change in the practice of science itself, and biologists were eager for that to happen.

    ECONOMIST: Geoengineering

  • It was nearly eliminated by the Newt Gingrich-led GOP House in 1995 as one more government agency meddling in the practice of medicine, but managed to survive with a change to the current name, an altered mission and a 20 percent budget cut.

    FORBES: Can Big Bird Save Patient Safety Agency?

  • Ironically, Mr. Harper misses the most significant recent dislocation in the practice of law, which is at the consumer end of the market: the rise of low-cost online law firms like LegalZoom and RocketLawyer that aid clients in drafting standard partnerships, wills, leases and the like.

    WSJ: Book Review: The Lawyer Bubble

  • At the clinic, run by Dr. Geeta Shroff, a former obstetrician and pediatrician who admits she is self taught in the practice of stem cell medicine, Cash received embryonic stem cell injections for a disorder that resembles Down syndrome and is caused by a missing part of his X chromosome.

    FORBES: Embryonic Stem Cells an Undying Lure for the Ill, CNN Doc Shows

  • "While we absolutely encourage sexually active teens to be tested for STDs, the underlying message of the Qpid.me campaign is troublesome, " says Valerie Huber, president and CEO of the National Abstinence Education Association, a group that "exists to serve, support and represent individuals and organizations in the practice of abstinence education, " according to its website.

    CNN: STD site partners with school district

  • The partial or total removal of external female genitalia is illegal in the UK but the practice occurs in parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

    BBC: Midwife 'role' as NHS targets female genital mutilation

  • Let's look at one of the biggest changes in medical practice of the past decade: the decision to stop putting millions of postmenopausal women on hormone replacement therapy, which postulated that replacing the estrogen and progesterone their bodies were no longer making would do them long-term good.


  • From 1979 to 1993, Judge Droney was engaged in the private practice of law in Hartford, Connecticut, specializing in trial work.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The twice-weekly jousts between the prime minister and the opposition leader in the Commons mean that both have had years of practice in the art of the sound-bite.

    ECONOMIST: TV debates

  • The statistician Stephen Stigler once wrote an elegant essay about the futility of the practice of eponymy in science that is, the practice of naming a scientific discovery after its inventor.

    NEWYORKER: In the Air

  • Some of the extra capacity will be absorbed in the new practice of slow steaming - industry-speak for sailing more slowly.

    BBC: How much bigger can container ships get?

  • It began as a relatively simple tale of two characters, meeting by chance very early on a fine May morning (meaning, one assumes, it wasn't actually raining) while walking out of London up Tottenham hill, and spending their time in the discussion and practice of the joys of fishing.

    WSJ: It Has Hooked Generations of Fishermen | Izaak Walton | The Compleat Angler | By H. George Fletcher

  • "We believe the Catholic Church in England and Wales should become an example of best practice in the prevention of child abuse and in responding to it, " he said.

    BBC: You are in: UK

  • While these ideas may be correct in theory, in practice the consequence of Bush's adoption of the neoconservative worldview was the empowerment of populist and popular jihadists and Iranian allies throughout the Middle East at the expense of US allies.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Jacksonian Foreign Policy Option

  • The policy statement was "warmly welcomed" by the Children's Commissioner for England, Sir Al Aynsley-Green, who in April said the practice of holding children in detention should be stopped.

    BBC: Detention of child migrants 'risks their health'

  • This is a guest column by Rick Smead, a director in the energy practice of Navigant Consulting.

    FORBES: How Much Gas Is There In The Marcellus Shale?

  • It is inherent in the Saudi practice of Islam.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Welcome to Faisal County

  • Mr McCrea had condemned the actions of the party's three Belfast councillors in voting against the practice of flying the union flag only on designated days.

    BBC: Basil McCrea appears before UUP disciplinary hearing

  • The revolution of 1789 in theory made the people sovereign yet in practice left power in the hands of an elite ruling in the people's name.

    ECONOMIST: Eva Joly, France’s elite-hunting magistrate | The

  • In consequence, says Ms Wilkerson, who uses the words coloured, Negro and black in line with the practice of the day, by 1980 half of America's blacks lived outside the southern states.

    ECONOMIST: Black migration in America

  • Even bigger savings in terms of confusion forgone would come with an American decision to adopt the more logical European practice of writing the date in the order of day, month, year.

    ECONOMIST: Leaders

  • At the same time, the matters of providing with cooperation of science with practice in the field of usage of underground water become more important.


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