• Some 11.9 million people live in the bustling city, according to the latest census from 2001, though the municipal government says up to 14 million may call the city on the Arabian Sea home, with thousands of migrants arriving daily.

    CNN: Mumbai: India's financial, cultural hub

  • Dhaka became the Mughal capital of Bengal in the early 17th Century, during which the city was bustling trading metropolis.

    BBC: Saving Dhaka��s heritage

  • The experience is akin to visiting a charming country house in the middle of a bustling capital city, a walk into a place apart.

    FORBES: Sex At Trinity, Pope Arrives, JFK's Visit To Ireland -- Little Museum of Dublin Packs A Punch

  • Located smack dab in the city's bustling East Village neighborhood, the school does not have a college campus' traditional grassy quad and students are more likely to smoke cigarettes outside the Foundation Building where Abe Lincoln gave his speech than play Frisbee or Hacky Sack.

    WSJ: Famed free NYC college may start charging tuition

  • Back in the capital, I remarked to Lt Gen Nick Carter, the senior British general and deputy commander of all Nato's forces in Afghanistan, that despite its bustling street life the city seemed edgier and more dangerous than when I had first visited in 2003.

    BBC: Afghanistan's security prospects after Nato withdrawal

  • "In the instance of the Linked Hybrids, this experience seems more like being in an observation tower, and less like being in the middle of a bustling, alive, exciting city, " he says.

    CNN: Beijing embraces Brave New World of buildings

  • Developed by men who had left their families behind to start a life in Argentina's bustling capital city, the dance expressed machismo, passion, longing and a fighting edge - and was set to an emerging sound rooted in Spanish and Italian melodies, criollo (Argentine-born) verse and Afro-Uruguayan candombe (a drum-based rhythm).

    BBC: Anyone for tango?

  • The desert village in the famous cantina scene is replaced by a teeming city, bustling with robots and aliens that weren't there before.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Whereas in the last few days the streets of the city were crowded with worshippers making their way to prayers, or sitting in quiet contemplation on the marble outside the Grand Mosque -- today the city is bustling with activities relating to departures.

    CNN: Hajj diary: The great migration

  • In Mexico City, about 35, 000 public venues were shut down, transforming the bustling metropolis of 20 million people into a ghost town overnight.

    CNN: Second U.S. death linked to swine flu, officials say

  • As if to prove his faith in the future, Hamm recently decided to move Continental's headquarters from sleepy Enid, Okla. to almost bustling Oklahoma City.

    FORBES: Focus

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