• This is not a perjury challenge, this is a subject to be dealt with in the context of Article II and in obstruction of justice.


  • Mary Wilkerson, a former quality-assurance manager, was included in obstruction-of-justice charges.

    WSJ: Ex-Owner of Peanut-Butter Firm Indicted Over Salmonella

  • The upshot, though, is this, with respect to Subparts 3 and 4 of this first article, if you conclude as I trust you will that the evidence that the president engaged in obstruction of justice, is insufficient to support that charge, it would follow logically that the president's denial that he engaged in any such activity would be respected and he would be acquitted on the perjury charge.


  • It would directly and undeniably implicate him in an obstruction of justice.

    CNN: Transcript: Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing

  • The next step in the obstruction is the false affidavit.


  • Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, was sentenced Tuesday to 30 months in prison for obstruction of justice and perjury in the investigation into the leak of a CIA operation officer's identity.

    NPR: Libby Sentenced to 2 1/2 Years in CIA Leak Case

  • The president's meeting and conversation with Betty Currie on Sunday, January 18 is a central element in the allegation of obstruction set forth in Article II, and you will hear more about that from Cheryl Mills today.


  • He resigned in 2008 and pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in a different scandal involving sexually explicit text messages and an extramarital affair with his chief of staff.

    NPR: Jury Convicts Ex-Detroit Mayor Of Corruption

  • In addition, authorities has arrested eight people and charged seven in a related obstruction of justice investigation.

    WSJ: News Corp. Tabloid Journalist to Face Charge

  • So I don't think that case can be made too often, especially when we're faced with obstruction in Congress.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Middle class families cannot be held hostage by partisan politics, obstruction in Washington.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Even Martha Stewart Martha Stewart , who went to jail for obstruction in an insider trading investigation, has emerged more popular than ever with her fans.

    FORBES: Frank's Back!

  • Faced with an unprecedented level of obstruction in the Senate, the President announced his intention to recess appoint fifteen nominees to fill critical administration posts.

    WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

  • "They had to do CPR on him every day, " said April Gionfriddo, Kaiba's mother, who later found out her son had a rare obstruction in his lungs called bronchial malacia.

    CNN: 3-D printer helps save dying baby

  • The report cites "credible evidence" that Ensign and his parents made "false or misleading statements" to the Federal Election Commission and engaged in a potential obstruction of justice, among other things.

    CNN: Senate committee refers Ensign case to Justice Department

  • Remember the accounting firm Arthur Andersen, convicted in 2002 of obstruction of justice when certain partners destroyed records of the auditing work they did for Enron as the energy giant was imploding?

    FORBES: "I'll Believe Corporations Are People When Texas Executes One": What Is This Foolishness From Robert Reich?

  • Obstruction in the way of preaching Islam does not mean only a legal obstacle, but greater power or domination of a non-Muslim state against Muslims is by itself a great obstacle in the propagation of Islam.


  • If the president can simply destroy Monica Lewinsky's credibility in public and before the grand jury, then he will escape the consequences for his false statements under oath and the obstruction in the civil rights case.


  • America, supported by Britain, argues that weapons inspectors should only return to Iraq provided they are armed with a new resolution threatening military action if faced with any obstruction in their hunt for chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programmes.

    ECONOMIST: We will prevail | The

  • Now there being no evidence of obstruction in that conversation, the managers would have you believe that after Ms. Lewinsky left the White House that day, the president must have told Betty Currie to retrieve the gifts from Ms. Lewinsky.

    CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement

  • Bonds, a seven-time Most Valuable Player who slammed 762 home runs to pass Hank Aaron, was convicted in 2011 of obstruction of justice for lying to a grand jury about using steroids and human growth hormone although convictions could not be obtained on the more serious charges.

    FORBES: There's Enough Evidence Against Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens And Sammy Sosa For Hall Ban

  • However, in my experience, perjury or obstruction of justice prosecutions of parties in private civil litigation are rare.

    CNN: House Judiciary Committee hearing,

  • Darkly, the suit notes, Starkey is also a former partner in Arthur Andersen , the audit firm convicted last month for obstruction of justice in the Enron (otc: ENRNQ - news - people ) investigation.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Now he has a felony charge and will spend years in prison on the obstruction charges.

    FORBES: Massey Energy Employee Guilty of Obstruction, But Where Was Management?

  • Yet the United States has a sorry record of shilly-shallying, or plain obstruction, in the development of international law.

    ECONOMIST: World law and world power

  • "The Republicans have made an unfortunate choice to ratchet up the level of obstruction here in Washington, " said Mr. Reid.

    WSJ: Hagel Nomination Fails to Advance in Senate

  • On December 28th, another brick in the wall of obstruction was laid.


  • But for the past two sessions the debate has veered in the opposite direction: in the face of obstruction, should sanctions be stiffer?


  • Finneran's departure in advance of federal obstruction of justice charges -- he eventually pleaded guilty -- forced Romney to drop his Massachusetts Mitt persona.

    CNN: Will Romney lurch to the center?

  • "The plaintiffs should not be forced to endure, nor should the agency's misconduct be rewarded by, an exercise that permits the FDA to engage in further delay and obstruction, " he wrote.

    WSJ: NY judge makes morning-after pill available to all

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