He specializes in engagement of investors and corporations on international development and emerging markets strategy.
Gamebattles.com is the leader in engagement for the online gaming space, with more than 18 minutes spent on site.
With the new design, Airbnb has seen a 20% jump in engagement.
Zuckerberg: Got a 50% increase in engagement thanks to relevance improvements.
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Question-and-answer sites typically rate low in engagement because users tend to visit in search of a particular piece of information and leave as soon as they obtain it.
Kaye, CEO of Career Systems International, specializes in engagement, retention and development, and Giulioni, cofounder and principal of DesignArounds, a consulting and instructional design firm, focuses on leadership, sales and customer service.
The group is continuing with its work to understand these differences in engagement with the eyes, which highlights just how little is known about how autism manifests in girls, said Warren Jones, research head at the center.
These public brainstorms utilize similar free, easy-to-use tools as the White House used in soliciting public engagement in developing its open government agenda.
From day one, most believed that integrating key financial knowledge into everyday classes at school empowered young people to connect school with opportunity and resulted in a deeper engagement in school.
Most companies recognize that investing in employee engagement and development are vital to remaining competitive in a constantly evolving business world.
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Reynolds draws from her deep experience in patient engagement both working inside of a healthcare provider as well as an advocate of patient involvement in the care process.
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First of all, in terms of filling in our presence and our engagement in the region, a number of the initiatives that we launched on the last trip have essentially been coming on line.
It demonstrates from the beginning that you have a vested interest in the engagement.
Michelle Crawley is a senior writer in the engagement group at gyro Cincinnati.
Whether through advertising, event sponsorship or product placement, entertainment has long been a key element in consumer engagement.
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Mary McCoy is a recognized expert on how humans relate to the work they do, specializing in sustained engagement.
Nor are memoirs a likely focus for my Forbes blog, which tends to look at innovation in social engagement.
Robert Passikoff, CEO and founder of Brand Keys, a New York-based consultancy that specializes in brand engagement and loyalty, says most definitely yes.
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In one engagement, enemy fire shattered the canopy of his jet, cutting his face, and yet he continued to attack, the records show.
The entire power of digital lies in the fact that there are engineering solutions to obstacles in communication, in messaging, in customer engagement.
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U.S. Attorneys and others involved in community engagement will seek to incorporate information about Internet radicalization to violence into their efforts, as appropriate.
They are still in the engagement stage, working with their customers to make their Facebook site more fun and trustworthy at the same time.
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While the company has grown significantly in customer numbers, its more enduring success has been in customer engagement creating more links and reasons to click.
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Just as companies increasingly claim to be behaving responsibly in the way they conduct their business, how about acting responsibly in their engagement with government?
ECONOMIST: What role should corporate citizens play in politics?
Over the last few months, some of us at Forrester have been wrestling with the concept that CIOs play a key role in employee engagement.
As was outlined in Patient Engagement is the Blockbuster Drug of the Century, weaving the patient into the care process can have a dramatic impact.
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Some view MOOCs as a means to broaden access to education, while others see them as empty nodes lacking in meaningful engagement between faculty and students.
For example, TinyCo saw 50% higher CTRs and significantly higher conversion rates compared to their current mobile channels, as well as a significant increase in player engagement.
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GenerationOn includes a Youth Advisory Council of 14 young people between the ages of 13 and 17 with a demonstrated track record of excellence in community engagement.
FORBES: Kids' Stuff: Hasbro Engages Its Youngest Customers for Good