• Drivers in Pennsylvania were traversing ice- and snow-covered streets and highways.

    CNN: Storms snarl traffic, batter Midwest and Northeast

  • Many Alaskans revel in the biting air and the pure white of the winter landscape, not to mention the skiing, ice-climbing and snow machine-riding.

    ECONOMIST: The state is getting warmer and no one's happy

  • Weather is caused by disturbances within the atmosphere, but climate is controlled by external influences, such as the distribution of oceans and continents, the extent of ice and snow-cover, variations in the amount of energy from the sun, and changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere.

    BBC: Time to spend more money preparing for colder winters?

  • Moreover, there is no government regulation of the use of vast quantities of the "ice-plus" organisms (which contain the ice-nucleation protein) commonly blown into the air during snow-making at ski resorts.

    FORBES: Commentary

  • In Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton declared a state of emergency after communities in the south-west of the state - already struggling to restore power from an earlier ice storm - were buried under heavy snow.

    BBC: Three dead in US severe spring storm

  • Today in Heilongjiang, the capital, Harbin, hosts the annual Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, where the delicately-crafted ice lanterns are a major highlight.

    BBC: The origins of ice sculpting

  • He recommends using kitty litter and a small shovel to get traction on snow and ice--not your buddy pushing the vehicle from behind.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They will trek between nine and 13 miles each day in extreme weather conditions and encounter vast crevasses, moving ice-shelves, glaciers and snow storms.

    BBC: Prince Harry to race to South Pole

  • One-hundred-and-two holes have been dug so far and 1, 100 measurements have been made of ice thickness, snow density and other features - data deemed vital by scientists evaluating the future of the Arctic sea-ice.

    BBC: Arctic team gives up on ice radar

  • For example, the bright snow- and ice-covered landscapes of Canada and Siberia during winter reflect most solar radiation straight back into space, keeping the surface cold.

    BBC: Earthshine map helps predict weather

  • It takes seven or eight hours and strong legs to hike the whole crossing, past ice-blue crater lakes, over snow-covered ridges and through windswept mountain deserts, where totara trees cling to the soft black volcanic sand.

    BBC: A return to Middle-earth

  • Many streets are still snow- and ice-laden.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • During the three-hour climb up rocky switchbacks to the pass, we stomp through several steep spots blanketed in knee-deep snow and ice. (You really feel those 30 pounds shifting around on your back as you try to maintain your balance.) We're forced to detour around one switchback and shimmy up a slick, steep incline of green brush, holding on to plants for leverage--and praying for solid foot positions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • On day three, after about 60km of riding, we crossed the 3, 900m-high Tosor Pass, where a sheer cliff of ice and snow gave way to a narrow corridor with the shimmering Kerege-Tash Valley below.

    BBC: The way of the shepherd: Horse trekking through Kyrgyzstan

  • The Edinburgh club had to repair snow-related damage to the dugouts caused when snow and ice pulled off gutters from the main stand.

    BBC: Three Scottish Premier League matches postponed

  • The project aims to help fill the current gap in existing measurement studies by satellites and submarines - which cannot differentiate between ice and snow layers.

    BBC: Polar survey team start journey

  • Lahar floods are among the main hazards originated by ice and snow melting during eruptions of glacier-clad volcanoes.

    UNESCO: Dublin Core

  • Conditions on Everest have been especially difficult this year because of the less-than-usual amount of snow and ice on the ground for climbers to dig into.

    WSJ: Mayo Clinic Researchers on Everest Study High Altitude's Effects on the Body

  • On the valley floor stands the frozen lake of St Moritz -- home to an unlikely event of similar vintage -- "White Turf" -- horse racing on snow and ice.

    CNN: Cool racing: Horses battle on snow

  • Unfortunately for snow enthusiasts, the model found that the fragile needle-like ice crystals connecting the two layers can be broken easily and separated by the weight of new snow or a skier.

    MSN: How a deadly avalanche can be triggered

  • To the west are the saw-edges of glacier-encrusted rock and ice, serrated by more than 30 jagged peaks heavy with snow, the highest of which is 6, 768m-high Huascaran, the tallest mountain in the tropics.

    BBC: Trekking Peru��s Santa Cruz trail

  • For instance, we assist Toyota's logistics department in managing their world-famous, just-in-time inventory system around snow and ice storms.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • "It means there is more light penetrating through the ice - that depends to a high degree on the snow cover but once it has melted the light can get through, " Dr Gerland said.

    BBC: Arctic ice melting at 'amazing' speed, scientists find

  • Further loss of Arctic ice will see radiation absorbed by darker seawater and snow-free land, potentially warming the Earth's climate at an even faster rate than current observational data indicates.

    BBC: Canadian Arctic sheds ice chunk

  • After making eight runs without hitting an ice spot or heavy snow section, and two dig-outs from face plants, I am ready to return to our womb-like boat, where sheepskin booties await.

    WSJ: Heli-Skiing in Greenland

  • Jilin celebrates the phenomenon each year from mid-December to February with the Jilin International Rime Ice and Snow Festival.

    BBC: The quest to see China��s extraordinary frozen fog

  • "A race is going on in Greenland between these competing forces of snow build-up in the interior and ice loss on the edges, " explained Dr Zwally.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Polar ice sheets show net loss

  • In particular, the participants set out to identify researchers and other qualified personnel from different Andean countries, who could form the nucleus of a Working Group on Snow and Ice within the framework of an Andean-FRIEND (Andean - Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data).

    UNESCO: Valdivia, Chile, 2003

  • And after all was said and done on the snow and ice, the closing ceremony continued the Fellini-esque theme.

    CNN: 'Magnificent' Games sent off in style

  • Wiltshire Police warned motorists to take extra care after sub-zero temperatures turned snow on the roads to black ice in places.

    BBC: Wiltshire snow: Gritting teams remain at work

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