• I'll have to call him up when I buy mine.

    CNN: What Facebook will do with Instagram

  • Every time I read one of these articles and start to get hyped up about generations after mine embracing vinyl, I have to explain to someone (for instance my 20 and 23 year old children) why I have such a vested interest in this, why I am emotionally attached to not just records themselves, but the intangible things that come with them.

    FORBES: Ode to Vinyl Records

  • Representative-Elect MURPHY: I get e-mails almost every single day from - that are from Iraq and Afghanistan, from either former students of mine at West Point who are now commanders over there, who I may have known growing up, or who I've gone through, you know, received my commission as an officer with.

    NPR: Patrick Murphy: From Iraq War to Congress

  • The only thing I could come up with is that people who are listed on LinkedIn must have pretty uninterestingly written profiles if mine counted among the most read.

    FORBES: Are You Among LinkedIn's Elite?

  • When we have hurricane effects here, the next day I hear my neighbors revving up their chain saws, as I do mine, to put those fallen trees to some good use.

    FORBES: Forget About The Elections, What Does Hurricane Sandy Reveal About Us?

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