Julian, who has autism, was goose-stepping and counting every coat hook on the wall aloud.
APIs of their own, which new and existing applications might hook on to.
Knead the dried fruits into the dough with the dough hook on low speed or stir them in with a wooden spoon.
No one gets off the hook on this one -- from governments to schools, corporations to nonprofits, all the way down to families sitting around their dinner table.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Unveils Childhood Obesity Task Force Action Plan | The White House
Not only did I get off the hook on having to come up with any content, but the CEOs got the benefit of a veritable buffet of startup management wisdom.
FORBES: Openness and Transparency: Lessons from Startup CEOs
He found a willing ally in Mahmood and, other than a miscued hook on 65 which almost gave Plunkett a return catch, he progressed without much trouble to his second century of the summer.
His day could have been much worse except for a tee shot that caromed off a tree and into the fairway on the second hole, and a big hook on the third that hit the tire of a golf cart and stayed in play.
The governor of the Bank of England seemed to let George Osborne off the hook on Thursday night, in his TV interview for Channel 4, when he said it would be OK for the chancellor to miss his debt target because of slow economic growth.
But Hook went on to keep his head and tremendously kicked a 52-metre penalty.
Rather than charging top euro for delicious content, pay-TV distributors are trying to hook Germans on technology.
ECONOMIST: Another push to sell pay-television to the Germans
Hook them on a brand today, and with any luck they will still be using it in the middle of the next century.
When I scanned the QR code for that business, I was given a reward for a free hook-on hat band from their Detroit location.
FORBES: ReapSo Is A Michigan Based Startup That Makes QR Codes Fun To Use
If publishers can hook academics on such innovations, and drive them to articles in relatively obscure journals, dropping big deals will seem a lot more painful.
Nikki Walker and James Hook were on hand to feed Parker and two percussive hand-offs later the Wales centre was over for the first try of the night.
They have to sign a confidentiality agreement, agree not to spill any information before the official product announcement, and delete all "unannounced HP product information, including postings made by participants in the website or forum within 48 hours of the posting" or risk being kicked out of the evangelist program (which means no hook ups on reviews) and face possible legal action by HP.
Waiting to get our fiscal house in order lets more current generations off the hook and puts our kids further on the hook.
"The employer is still on the hook for looking over the provider's shoulder on an ongoing basis to make sure the provider hasn't jacked up fees or changed management in a way that gives the employer heartburn, " observes benefits lawyer J.
If using a stand mixer, attach the dough hook and beat on high speed just until the dough gathers into a ball, about 1 minute.
They were on hook to Credit Suisse for a substantial loan and needed to find a way quickly to boost the collateral value of their assets.
If using a stand mixer, attach the dough hook and knead on low speed for 4 to 5 minutes, until the ingredients are completely incorporated and the dough is smooth.
On the whole our impression was that you've got a middle of the road modern phone with a sales hook that depends on just how into projecting your images you are.
Wales probed left and then switched direction to create an overlap, only for James Hook to take on the chance himself and lose control as he slid for the line under Jimmy Cowan's tackle.
If they can trace the compulsion to specific ingredients such as fat or high-fructose corn syrup, they might have the evidentiary equivalent of nicotine--a substance manufacturers may have manipulated to hook their customers on food.
But he never came back and his tally was left there hanging on its hook.
BBC: Albert Rowlands has not been down a mine since the disaster
The rescue puts taxpayers on the hook for what could be hefty investment losses.
We need to protect taxpayers and we're already on the hook for billions of dollars.
Specifically, the government would put itself on the hook if modified home loans default again.
The big unknown is the tune to which the taxpayer is now on the hook.
If the mortgages bundled into these securities default, then the taxpayer is on the hook.