• They control the national government now for the first time in the history of Iraq.

    NPR: Is Victory in Iraq Still Possible?

  • The White House calls it a landmark day in the history of Iraq.

    NPR: Vote Count Confirms Iraqi Approval of Constitution

  • 'Today we witnessed a landmark event in the history of Iraq: Saddam Hussein was convicted and sentenced to death by the Iraqi High Tribunal, ' Mr. Bush said to roars of approval in a hockey auditorium packed with supporters in Grand Island, Neb.

    CNN: Highlights from the world's press

  • There's still a lot of difficult work to be done in Iraq, but thanks to the courage of the Iraqi people, the year 2005 will be recorded as a turning point in the history of Iraq, the history of the Middle East and the history of freedom.

    NPR: Bush Touts Progress, Warns of Iran's Influence

  • This agreement marks another milestone in the history of modern Iraq.

    WHITEHOUSE: G20 Summit Presidential Press Conference

  • During a joint news conference Friday with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Bush called the operation "a defining moment in the history of a free Iraq, " saying the government is fighting criminals there.

    CNN: Analysis: Iraqis' Basra fight not going well

  • Mr. Obama in his address offered an abbreviated history of the costly Iraq war, but his focus was on the sacrifices of troops: Nearly 1.5 million men and women have served, more than 30, 000 have been wounded and nearly 4, 500 have died.

    WSJ: Obama Hails Troops As He Marks the End of Iraq War

  • "We had a regime that had a history of using weapons of mass destruction and had a history of defying the international community and had a history of ties to terrorist organizations in Iraq, " he said.

    CNN: Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs

  • Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility.

    WHITEHOUSE: The End of the Combat Mission in Iraq

  • "The common determination on the part of the Soviet Union and the United States to preserve the territorial integrity of such imperial accidents of history as Yugoslavia -- to say nothing of the USSR and Iraq -- under centralized, totalitarian rule is emerging as the ironic definition of the so-called 'New World Order, '" said Frank J.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • The prime minister's dispute with the Sunni protesters is vital at this moment of Iraq's history, but his real battleground is within his Shia community.

    BBC: Sectarian tensions stalk Iraq elections

  • Although Baathist propaganda is out, so is most of the modern history of the Middle East that has affected Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: Teaching history in Iraq

  • "If you go back in history, and look at the beginning of Iraq, and what they've been through with Saddam Hussein, we wouldn't be the people we are today if we lived the way they have lived, " Robbins says.

    NPR: Soldier Recounts Year Spent Training Iraqi Police

  • Why would people who do not live under the jackboot of the likes of Hizbullah, Hamas or their sister groups in places like Iraq obsequiously parrot untruths about Islamic history and theology and deny the very existence of Islamic supremacism?

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Age of Dissimulation

  • Another Iraq-related piece of recent history deserves careful consideration.


  • Inventing Iraq: The Failure of Nation Building and a History Denied, by Toby Dodge, Columbia University Press, 2005.

    NPR: Suggested Reading: The Shia-Sunni Conflict

  • It should have taken no great literacy in the theories and the history of "state-building" to foresee the favorable endowments of Iraq and the built-in disadvantages of Afghanistan.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's Afghan struggle

  • Given the difficulties in Iraq and Afghanistan, American officers are relearning the history of their own interventions in Latin America and, more important, the lessons of British imperial policing.

    ECONOMIST: Irregular warfare: After smart weapons, smart soldiers | The

  • If Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney or Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, the administration's leading neoconservative, had been aware of the brutal war America had fought in the Philippines, or of Wilson's misadventures in Mexico, or of the blighted history of Western imperialism in the Mideast, they might still have invaded Iraq.

    NPR: 'Folly of Empire' Offers Critique of U.S. Imperialism

  • The town also has special meaning in Iraq's military history, as it is the birthplace of Muslim leader Saladin as well as Saddam.

    CNN: Stronghold of Tikrit may be Saddam's last stand

  • Last week -- after seven-and-a-half years that tested our mettle like no conflict in recent American history -- the last of our combat units followed that same dusty highway out of Iraq, on their way home.

    WHITEHOUSE: Change of Command, End of Combat Operations Ceremony

  • Asked about taking action over North Korea, Mr Blair said that the reason that Iraq was the "right place to start" was because of the history of UN sanctions against the country.

    BBC: At-a-glance: Blair news conference

  • "The decision was made after looking into the dark history of this terrorist organization and crimes that they committed against the Iraqi people and neighbors of Iraq, " a statement from the council said.

    CNN: Iraqi council targets Iran group

  • Politicians often rewrite history to their own purposes, but, as Bush's analogy to Iraq suggested, there was more than passing significance to his revision of the history of the Spanish-American War.

    NPR: 'Folly of Empire' Offers Critique of U.S. Imperialism

  • That's because beginning tomorrow, the U.S. House of Representatives will stage one of the most unusual debates in its history -the House will debate a brief resolution disapproving of President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq.

    NPR: Congressional Debate over Iraq

  • And whereas both Germany and Japan had been democracies in varying degree, Iraq has been ruled by a succession of terrifying autocrats since the beginning of human history.

    WSJ: Our Blindness

  • The trouble in Saudi Arabia (and in Iran, just outside the Arab fold but still influential in parts of it, such as Iraq and Lebanon) is that conservatives, on whom for reasons of history and realpolitik the regime still relies, have grabbed a near-monopoly of religious authority, imposing an exceptionally narrow interpretation of Islam on the people, especially women.

    ECONOMIST: Arab women are demanding their rights��at last

  • Fuad Hussein, an Iraqi who has returned from abroad and is now in charge of revising the curriculum, says he plans to set up a committee made up of Iraqis from different religious, political and ethnic groups to debate and rewrite Iraq's history.

    ECONOMIST: Teaching history in Iraq

  • But there is one thing we know already: the Americans that went to war in Iraq served their country as well as any generation of fighting men and women in our remarkable history.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • The former commanding general of U.S. forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan equated the situation in Syria today with one of the most deadly nuclear accidents in history.

    CNN: Russia increases its military equipment in Syria

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