• Some of this may have been highly illegal.

    CNN: AllPolitics - Pundits and Prose - Charles Bierbauer

  • But that is unlikely to hurt the shadowy, highly profitable illegal trade.

    ECONOMIST: Guns in Africa

  • "We would be appalled if any group were to try to sabotage this technology as it helps to protect the innocent from highly offensive and illegal content, " said a spokesman for BT.

    BBC: BT ordered to block links to Newzbin 2 website

  • Assisting a suicide is illegal and the issue is highly controversial.

    BBC: George Martin and granddaughter Allie Lewis

  • Those who believe cannabis to be a gateway to opioids and other highly dangerous drugs fail to appreciate that the illegal purchase of marijuana exposes consumers to dealers who push the hard stuff.

    CNN: Why marijuana should be legal for adults

  • Citron publishes two highly critical reports accusing Nu Skin of running an illegal pyramid scheme in China within days of each other, then, aside from a sorry excuse of a letter, does nothing for basically three months.

    FORBES: Guilt by Association

  • Others characterized ethical, legal standing orders - such as the requirement for soldiers to value their lives and the lives of their comrades more highly than the lives of terror suspects - as immoral or illegal.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Israel's media star chambers

  • In other words, Venezuelans need to understand that the fact that Chavez won these highly problematic elections plus the fact that he has ruled Venezuela by illegal methods makes the Chavez regime illegitimate.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Civil disobedience as an option for Venezuela

  • Loughborough - which has a very large student population - does not rank so highly, clocking up a monthly average of just over 3, 000 illegal music downloads, the data indicates.

    BBC: A glimpse at piracy in the UK and beyond

  • While those from both parties pushing immigration in the Senate are committed to a single, comprehensive bill encompassing tougher border security, new provisions for guest and highly skilled workers, and a path to citizenship for 11 million or so illegal immigrants already here Mr. Goodlatte says he will instead advance a series of small bills dealing with each of those issues in turn.

    WSJ: Ryan Takes a Key Role on Immigration

  • In France, unlike in Britain for example, adoption and IVF for gay couples -- alongside automatic joint parenting rights -- was still illegal until last Saturday and remains controversial, simply because it touches on the highly sensitive question of family and what family is made of.

    CNN: Notre-Dame suicide on the altar of same-sex marriage

  • Shares of Nu Skin (NUS) Enterprises have been hammered over the past ten days after Citron Research released two reports accusing the company of perpetrating illegal marketing tactics in China, violating FDA regulatory law and deceptively associating themselves with the highly-regarded Stanford University.

    FORBES: Preying on an Easy Mark

  • The Asian trafficking networks are highly organised - traffickers are adept at avoiding detection - and because many of the women and children involved are illegal migrants, they remain silent for fear of reprisals.

    BBC: By South Asia Correspondent Mike Wooldridge

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