• At Forbes, I write about entrepreneurs: their ecosystem and how they can help reboot complex industries.

    FORBES: Todd Hixon - Archive

  • By working together, both scientific expertise and local knowledge can be harnessed to help solve complex problems.

    UNESCO: Indigenous Peoples

  • Joining us to help understand this complex case is Dahlia Lithwick.

    NPR: Slate's Jurisprudence: High Court Dodges Padilla

  • During the next decade, knowledge management lived a modest life, supporting IT professionals wanting to sweep up all that data and store it, and management consultants trying to help companies turn complex processes into competitive advantage.

    FORBES: Data Science: Buyer Beware

  • So a good multivitamin or a vitamin C or B-complex could help.

    FORBES: An Obsessive Guide to Avoiding Hangovers

  • In June 2010 Prince William opened the Help for Heroes Rehabilitation Complex at Headley Court, which contains a swimming pool and gym complex.

    BBC: Headley Court rehab unit given extra ?5m by MoD

  • Back in those days, while Paul and I had become competitors (he at Forbes, me at Fortune), we would help each other on complex Russia-related cases when we felt we could.

    FORBES: Did Boris Berezovsky Kill Himself? More Compelling, Did He Kill Forbes Editor Paul Klebnikov?

  • We also have made it a vital component of our operations to utilize culturally sensitive patient navigators and promotoras, community health workers who help Latinas navigate the complex world of cancer care.

    WHITEHOUSE: Giving Latinas a Chance Against Breast Cancer

  • His recent attempt to cut funds for programmes designed to stem the leakage of know-how and bomb-making materials from Russia's nuclear complex to help make way for his tax cut will not reassure critics that he has his security priorities right.

    ECONOMIST: Bush��s nuclear umbrella

  • Wimbledon press spokesman Johnny Perkins said an exodus of football fans from the complex could even help increase profits.

    CNN: Wimbledon kicks World Cup into touch

  • Metaphors are powerful tools to help the uninitiated understand the complex, but they can quickly get in the way.

    ECONOMIST: Ban cyberspace

  • This has certainly been important to Oversight Systems, which develops compliance software to help companies deal with such complex requirements as Sarbanes-Oxley.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Just as optimisation algorithms come in handy when people are swamped by vast numbers of permutations, so statistical algorithms help firms to grapple with complex datasets.

    ECONOMIST: Algorithms

  • Siminoff's small but fast-growing firm, Efficient Frontier, uses dauntingly complex calculations to help its clients get a better return on the ads they buy on Web search engines.


  • Macroeconomists should take models for what they are: simplified views of the world that help us think about a complex issue, but are not true representations of the complexity itself.

    ECONOMIST: Economic reasoning

  • The Indian Institute of Management in Lucknow, in the country's north, has started a special course to help MBA students understand the complex system of carbon emissions trading, whereby companies and countries can buy and sell their permitted outputs of greenhouse gases.

    CNN: It's not easy being green

  • In a video message to the High-level session, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called upon the scientific community to help make sense of the complex and interconnected challenges --including climate change, the financial crisis and food, water and energy insecurity -- that threaten human well-being and civilization as we know it.

    UNESCO: Irina Bokova: we must harness the power of science to empower people | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • In his video message during the high-level segment, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called upon the scientific community to help make sense of the complex and interconnected challenges --including climate change, the financial crisis and food, water and energy insecurity -- that threaten human well-being and civilization as we know it.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • There can also be an advantage in having a single group in charge of advertising to help guide companies through a more complex world.

    ECONOMIST: Advertising: Consumer republic | The

  • Nares' group offers translation services and an on-site resource center at Rady to help them navigate the often-complex insurance systems, legal issues and medical diagnoses.

    CNN: Grieving dad helps kids get to chemo

  • Accounting reforms will help but insurance companies are inherently complex.

    ECONOMIST: Investors still struggle to understand Europe��s insurers

  • Though doctors are revered in Japan, a stream of scandals, including a recent one in which three inexperienced physicians were charged with killing a patient by performing complex surgery with the help of an instruction manual, have created public distrust.

    ECONOMIST: Now for the bad news

  • Understanding the political system that ruled South Africa from 1948 to 1994 is essential to understanding Mandela himself, and a couple of hours spent walking through recent history will help untangle the extent of the complex web of laws that segregated every aspect of South African society.

    BBC: In the footsteps of greatness

  • It does not help that financial products are now so complex that it is very hard to make even an educated guess about the real value of a bank.

    ECONOMIST: Financial services

  • Early voting can help simplify each campaign's "very complex and labor intensive end game, " Seligson said.

    CNN: Early voting: Every day is Election Day

  • "Bulls on Parade" may be about the military-industrial complex, but it will also help you bench press a Subaru.

    WSJ: How to Do a Workout Playlist

  • Now to turn the tide on this epidemic, we must confront the complex social and environmental conditions that help fuel the HIV epidemic in African-American communities.

    WHITEHOUSE: Office of National AIDS Policy Blog

  • Originally laid out by Emperor Yongle between 1406 and 1420 with the help of a mere million labourers, the complex is so vast - 800 buildings with 9, 000 rooms spread out over 720, 000 sq metres - that a full-time restoration squad is continuously repainting and repairing.

    BBC: Beijing's once Forbidden City

  • Recently I have been thinking that, just as design and technology combined to make the rich creative space that is digital media today, design and technology together will now begin to help leaders navigate their competing priorities, solve complex problems, and nurture fragmented relationships.

    CNN: How to design a better world

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