• If those who have now struck at the heart of India's polity turn out to have Pakistani connections, the consequences could be grave.

    ECONOMIST: Were Pakistanis involved?

  • As a dandy New York Times article explained, the state and its capital of Calcutta were in living memory the industrial heart of India.

    FORBES: Oh, Calcutta! Need to Know Amit Mitra

  • Spread across nearly two square kilometers in the heart of Mumbai, India's economic capital, Dharavi is home to between 500, 000 and 1 million of the city's poorest inhabitants.

    CNN: A makeover for 'Slumdog Millionaire' slum?

  • It reached right to the heart of the Empire, to India, a country she never visited but whose problems, of famine, poor sanitation, and oppression of the peasant class by unscrupulous landowners, were a major concern in the latter part of her life.

    BBC: Florence Nightingale: Legend of the Lady with the Lamp

  • The shadow of nuclear rivalry between India and Pakistan is at the heart of international concern about stability in south Asia, and the nuclear issue will be pursued in more talks in London next week between Mr Singh and US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott.

    BBC: Britain and India to combat terrorism

  • In 1857, England was in the grip of a panic caused by the Indian Mutiny and so a tiger - the symbol of India - was an especially frightening thing, especially when it was loose in the heart of the Empire's capital.

    BBC: When wild beasts roamed the UK

  • MUMBAI, India (AP) Low cost efficiency put India's outsourcing companies at the heart of global business and created a multibillion dollar industry that for years has skated over criticism it was eliminating white collar jobs in rich nations.

    NPR: US Immigration Bill Could Slow Indian Outsourcers

  • With his 10% stake in Escorts, Trehan was the company's cynosure: a star heart surgeon with a glittering patient list of political leaders, Bollywood actors and corporate India.

    FORBES: The Hellion Of Health Care

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