• The health care reform measure signed by the President last March brings that same security to the entire Nation.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • But he also said of a similar provision in Massachusetts, where he signed a similar health care reform measure into law as governor, the mandate wasn't so much a tax as a penalty.

    CNN: Romney's confusing course correction

  • And they continue to measure health care against the golden age of fee-for-service medicine, when they could see specialists without the bother of getting a referral from their primary physicians, and when their hapless employers simply picked up the tab.


  • But the effects of weight loss on health care costs are tough to measure, says Burton.

    FORBES: Watching The Corporate Waistline

  • Voters in Arizona and Oklahoma voted for a measure that prohibits mandatory participation in the new federal health-care law (those in Colorado rejected such a measure).

    ECONOMIST: Ballot initiatives

  • The first lawsuits challenging the health care overhaul began just hours after the president signed the measure.

    CNN: Supreme Court decision on polarizing health care law looms

  • Prior to the final vote, the House rejected a Democratic motion that would have required any legislator supporting the repeal measure to give up government-provided health care.

    CNN: House Republicans vote, again, to repeal health care law

  • What they saw was a male-dominated legislative body going to great lengths to silence two women who dared speak in opposition to a measure that would limit access to our health care.

    CNN: Lisa Brown: Silenced for saying (shock!) 'vagina'

  • At committee hearings and on the House floor Tuesday, the debate on the repeal measure devolved into repetitive opposing claims about the health care law.

    CNN: House Republicans vote, again, to repeal health care law

  • In his appearance by satellite at the AARP event in New Orleans, Obama responded to specific attacks on the health care law by Ryan and other Republicans, declaring the 2010 measure cuts waste and fraud in Medicare, provides preventive care to keep people healthier and reduces prescription drug costs for seniors.

    CNN: Obama, Ryan trade charges on Obamacare and Medicare

  • President Bush has threatened to veto the measure, but the House is also considering a health care bill that would raise the price of cigarettes.

    FORBES: Washington's Hidden Taxes

  • Mr Eberstadt points out that while nutrition, adequate shelter and health care were big problems for the poor when America's poverty measure was devised, the picture is different today.

    ECONOMIST: Richer for poorer | The

  • His party colleague, Sue Ramsey, chair of the health committee, said there was no evidence that the PfG would be used to monitor or measure the changes proposed in the review of health and social care.

    BBC: Programme for Government

  • Critics of the measure, however, argue that existing laws already protect health-care professionals who refuse to provide care because of their beliefs.

    CNN: Rule aims to protect health providers' right of conscience

  • Lieberman first expressed possible opposition to the health care bill in late October, saying he would join a GOP filibuster if the measure contained the public option.


  • Elsewhere, the Joint Committee on the Draft Care and Support Bill (at 9.45am), the measure to sort out the social care system, hears from the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and his junior ministers Norman Lamb and Dr Daniel Poulter.

    BBC: Week ahead in committees

  • Some critics have said chained CPI is not a better way to measure inflation for Social Security recipients, because they spend so much on health care, which rises faster than inflation.


  • But in Colorado, voters rejected a similar measure that would give voters the option of not participating in the federal health care reforms, including the insurance requirement, according to a CNN projection based on exit polling.

    CNN: Variety of proposals on ballots in 37 states

  • Arizona and Oklahoma voters passed a measure Tuesday allowing residents to opt out of President Barack Obama's federal health care reform and its requirement that people have insurance, according to a CNN projection based on an analysis of exit poll data.

    CNN: Variety of proposals on ballots in 37 states

  • In California during the 1990s, Latinos read the anti-immigrant rhetoric of Pete Wilson, a Republican governor, as racist and were outraged when voters passed a ballot measure (later ruled unconstitutional) to bar undocumented immigrants from non-emergency public health care, welfare and education.

    ECONOMIST: Latinos and American politics

  • The most reliable measure of malnourishment reports from health workers, who weigh all the infants in their care each month suggests that only 12m, or 7% of the population, are underfed.

    ECONOMIST: Three square meals a day

  • Another Democrat, Rep. Lynn Woolsey of California, accused Republicans of "serving more baloney" regarding the health care law, while GOP members complained it was Obama and Democrats who misled the public on the the measure's cost and impact.

    CNN: House Republicans vote, again, to repeal health care law

  • He made no mention of Mitt Romney, his all-but-certain opponent in November, but took aim at House Republicans who passed a measure last week that would pay for extending the lower student loan rate by cutting from a health care fund that promotes preventive care.

    CNN: Obama urges students to pressure Congress on loan rates

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