• Egypt is now ruled by a military council that has promised to hand over power after elections.

    CNN: For Mubarak, once Egypt's strongman, a long fall from grace

  • Despite repeated assurances that he would then hand over power peacefully, that is not what his record suggests.

    ECONOMIST: Hun Sen means to stay in power, by hook or by crook

  • The United States is scheduled to hand over power to an interim Iraqi government at midnight on June 30.

    CNN: Bush in Ohio defends war

  • The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has insisted that it will hand over power to an elected civilian government.


  • The Scaf has promised to hand over power after the presidential elections but activists fear it will try to retain its influence.

    BBC: Egypt presidential election: Decision on date delayed

  • CPA, in time to hand over power to Iraqis by July 1st.


  • Before the economic crisis, most assumed that during the next few years Suharto would gradually hand over power to his vice president.


  • According to the speculation, Dr Mahathir might hand over power in 2003 to allow time for the party and the public to adjust.

    BBC: Malaysia in suspense over prime minister

  • But many critics believe the referendum is a ruse to make it easier for the president to hand over power to his son.

    BBC: Azerbaijan claims 97% support in poll

  • His task is to steer Peru to a fresh general election in April, and to hand over power to its victor next July.

    ECONOMIST: Peru: The future without Fujimori | The

  • The transitional government, which was appointed after the coup leader agreed to hand over power, has said it is working toward the restoration of democracy.

    CNN: U.N. defers decision on military intervention in Mali

  • Yet these elections are critical, for it will be the first time in Pakistan's history that an elected government will hand over power to another elected government.

    BBC: Violent backdrop for crucial Pakistan elections

  • In November, protesters forced President Ali Abdullah Saleh to hand over power to his deputy, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, as part of a deal brokered by the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC).

    BBC: Yemen unrest: Deadly attack on southern army base

  • Past president Olusegun Obasanjo is the first Nigerian head of state to hand over power at the end of his constitutional mandate to the newly democratically elected president Umaru Musa Yar'Adua.


  • Twelve years on from the end of the war, Bosnia is still a long way from normality, and the international community's efforts to hand over power to the country's politicians are failing.

    BBC: Nikola Spiric (file image)

  • Worries about the powerful military possibly swaying this week's vote persist despite the insistence of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces that it will hand over power to an elected civilian government.


  • But she said it was up to the prime minister and the chancellor to decide if the autumn party conference is the time to signal that they are prepared to hand over power.

    BBC: Trident nuclear submarine

  • Balkenende said his government has yet to discuss whether Dutch troops would remain in Iraq beyond the end of June, when the United States plans to hand over power to a new Iraqi government.

    CNN: Bush: Stay the course on terror war

  • Mass, peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations have swept the Arab world in the past year, not least in Yemen, where they eventually forced President Ali Abdullah Saleh to hand over power to his deputy in November.

    BBC: Profile: Yemen's Ansar al-Sharia

  • Clashes have erupted in Egypt since an uprising led to the toppling of Mubarak in February of last year, with protesters demanding the military leaders who took over hand over power to a civilian administration.


  • Activists accuse SCAF members of relying on the same draconian security tactics as the former regime and seeking to safeguard their own economic and political privileges even after they hand over power to elected civilian leaders.

    WSJ: Police Clash With Cairo Protesters; 9 Dead

  • Mr Dodik has been campaigning heavily for a referendum on the future of Republika Srpska - not on whether it should hand over power to a more centralised Bosnian government, but whether it should be allowed to leave Bosnia altogether.

    BBC: NEWS | Europe | Serbs block road to Bosnian unity

  • But it is clear that America and Britain intend to remain firmly in control of Iraq, and its vast reserves of oil, and will hand over power to no other body than a democratically elected Iraqi government, whenever that appears.

    ECONOMIST: Making peace with the UN

  • Companies are keen to follow the trail blazed by Internet sites like Facebook and Wikipedia, where hierarchy and protectionism have been pushed aside as the sites' owners hand over power to their customers, drafting in users to create innovations on the product.

    CNN: Orchestral maneuvers in the boardroom

  • Speaking during a three-day opposition meeting in Istanbul, Mr Safi said the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces would be willing to participate in the conference, but only if President Assad and his associates hand over power as part of any settlement.

    BBC: Syria conflict: Opposition willing to attend talks

  • "The Military Council is totally ready to hand over power immediately and return to its original job protecting the people, if the people want that in a referendum, " Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, the head of the usually secretive Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, said on state television.

    WSJ: Egypt Heads for Showdown

  • Despite the deaths of more than 100 U.S. troops in Iraq this month in battles with Iraqi insurgents in Baghdad, Fallujah and other cities, Wolfowitz said it is important to stick to the Bush administration's planned June 30 deadline to hand over power to an interim Iraqi government.

    CNN: Bush Iraq policy faces tough questions?on Capitol Hill

  • But the US government, which helped persuade Mr Saleh to hand over power, has defended the immunity law, saying it is necessary to give the president and his supporters "confidence that their era is over and it's time for Yemen to be able to move forward towards a democratic future".

    BBC: Yemen government 'amends Saleh immunity law'

  • But he needs to go much further and spell out what he would do differently if he is to persuade Mr. Osborne to hand over the power to determine his and the country's future.

    WSJ: Wanted: BOE Chief to Tackle 'Jihadists'

  • Even if the Treasury wanted to hand over spending power, it's doubtful that the private sector-led replacements for RDAs are up to the job of handling all that cash, or of strategic regeneration decisions.

    BBC: Re-balancing Britain, from Bard to worse

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