It opened on Sunday in Qatar - the first Gulf state to publicly screen the film.
The Gulf state of Qatar's government-backed Qatar Telecom has a majority stake in Asiacell.
The Saudi government along with fellow Gulf state Qatar have thrown their support behind the Syrian rebels.
He blames Qatar, saying the oil-rich Gulf state directs its backing to rebels with a more Islamist ideology.
The Gulf state of Qatar is hosting a two-day conference on development and reconstruction in Sudan's Darfur region.
They claim they were tortured by police following their arrest while on holiday in the Gulf state in July.
Duplays has been organising leagues and tournaments in the Gulf state since 2007.
The announcement was made at the end of a two-day international donor forum hosted by the Gulf state of Qatar.
Gulf citizens have a fair bit of cash, so any Gulf state that develops expertise in treating diabetes should attract medical tourists.
The World Trade Organisation has said its meeting scheduled for next month in the Arab Gulf state of Qatar will go ahead.
Its main supporter has been the Persian Gulf state of Qatar, from which it has received hundreds of thousands of dollars since 1998.
The issue was raised following a question from Conservative MP Bob Blackman on defence co-operation with another Gulf state, the United Arab Emirates.
Glencore had raised its offer after its first bid was opposed by key Xstrata shareholders, including Qatar Holding, the Gulf state's sovereign wealth fund.
The Gulf state's interior ministry said the youth had been among a crowd throwing petrol bombs at police on Friday night, in the Muharraq area.
Chief executive Tony Hayward, the man who wanted his life back, is gone, replaced by Bob Dudley, an American raised in the Gulf state of Mississippi.
The Americans have failed to win over Saudi Arabia, by far the most important Gulf state and the only one whose military co-operation they actually need.
Although they were only for municipal councils, women were invited to take part, making Qatar the second Gulf state, after Oman, to allow women some political role.
The mass trial is due to begin in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of 94 Islamist activists accused of plotting to seize power in the Gulf state.
BBC: UAE 'coup plot' trial of 94 Islamist activists to begin
Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone told BBC Sport that the decision whether to hold the race on 13 March would be down to the Gulf state's crown prince.
That's the message being given by the Emirates Marriage Fund, which is trying to curb the practise of lavish weddings by its own nationals in this Gulf state.
Opposition MPs say the changes breaches the Gulf state's constitution.
The small Gulf state was instrumental in arming the rebels.
ECONOMIST: The war may be over but foreign powers are still busy in Libya
For instance, Qatar, the Gulf state most willing to stick its neck out in the peace process, has suggested that it will put an end to normalisation with Israel.
Mr Bush is also scheduled to visit the Gulf state of Qatar to meet troops who took part in the US-led war in Iraq that toppled Saddam Hussein's regime.
The BBC understands that the crown prince has made contact with representatives of all of the country's political parties, including the main Shia opposition parties in the Sunni-ruled Gulf state.
He hopes that the report will provide a chance of reconciliation in this tiny but strategic Gulf state that is a Western ally and home to the American navy's Fifth Fleet.
Kemboi finished second at last year's world championships in Paris to Qatar's world champion Saif Saeed Shaheen, formerly Kenyan Stephen Cherono, who switched to represent the Gulf State on a lucrative contract.
Also Monday, the opposition's exile political leadership, the Syrian National Coalition, said a delegation was heading to Doha, where the Gulf state of Qatar will host a two-day Arab League summit starting Tuesday.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and other federal officials have spoken with Gulf state governors and other local leaders to discuss their needs in advance of the storm.