• The team spent two days photographing the calving ground and gathering data that would be used by conservationists to persuade China to protect the area.

    NPR: Chang Tang's Endangered Antelope

  • Successful Special Operations require a significant intelligence-gathering apparatus on the ground and close proximity to launch raids with little warning time.

    WSJ: Max Boot: Bin Laden's Death Changes Little

  • There are about 1, 400 special operations forces and Marines who've been operating out of Djibouti who have been in Ethiopia, training Ethiopian troops, and who have been on the ground, actually, in Somalia gathering intelligence.

    NPR: Somalia Raids Were Long in the Making

  • We will be gathering our intel through iReports, canvassing our network of correspondents and chefs across the globe, and gathering on-the-ground dispatches from CNN reporters.

    CNN: Will travel for food: Share your favorite local eateries

  • Now that gave me a sense that even if you have effective security forces on the ground, there is a very large challenge ahead of them if they are to be able to operate in a manner that actually brings this insurgency under control by gathering information and intelligence from the ground.

    NPR: Life in Iraq: A Reporter's View

  • So the Hanover gathering is ideal for parading himself on home ground and boosting his chances of soaring to still higher things.

    ECONOMIST: Germany��s Social Democrats

  • At every turn, President Obama has sought to avoid the sensible and militarily valuable middle-ground of military detention, which would maximize intelligence-gathering opportunities while minimizing the legal and security risks that go with criminal trials.


  • Stand your ground was unveiled by the National Rifle Association at a 2005 ALEC gathering and since the initial meeting, 24 states have passed the law.

    CNN: When consumers push soda companies out of politics

  • The Iraqi National Congress (INC), an umbrella group of all the significant anti-Saddam forces inside Iraq, has consistently requested Administration assistance for operations on the ground in Iraq ranging from the delivery of humanitarian assistance and information-gathering to military and technical training and lethal military drawdown.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Key Legislators Urge Bush Team to Help Liberate Iraq

  • Bosc made the Wolves pay with another try nine minutes before the break, re-gathering possession after Martin Gleeson had succeeded only in knocking the ball to ground.

    BBC: Catalans Dragons 46-8 Warrington

  • Rob Portman and Rep. Steve Chabot spoke to a hundreds-strong gathering of tea party activists in near Cincinnati, which has been a focus, or "ground zero, " as one tea party leader called it, of the IRS probe following disclosures that agency employees there subjected conservative groups for additional, often burdensome scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status.

    NPR: Ohio Congressmen On IRS: 'How High Up Did It Go?'

  • Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ), the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security, told a gathering at Washington's Heritage Foundation that China's destruction of an aging satellite with a ground-based ballistic missile was a "wake-up call" that should make the U.S. get serious about threats in space.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 2007: A Chinese space odyssey

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