• They have fancy brochures, there are video tapes that are available showing the student amenities and the students sitting in rapt attention listening to whoever is pontificating at the moment, students playing Frisbee on the lawns, those beautiful green lawns of universities.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning

  • The STAR Act, introduced by John Cornyn (R-TX), would eliminate the diversity lottery and redirect those green cards toward foreign graduates of American universities in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (STEM).

    FORBES: Positive New Steps To Reform High-Skilled Immigration

  • Mr Russell added the Scottish government would publish a green paper detailing Scottish solutions to the funding of universities.

    BBC: Higher education debate

  • In the fall, the Princeton Review plans to include a green rating in its annual guide to colleges and universities.

    FORBES: America's Greenest Colleges

  • Today, data scientist get well trained or perhaps over trained on the blue track but the green track often eludes them, mostly because it is not taught as a science in the universities.

    FORBES: Data Science or Analytics?

  • The Startup Act 2.0 Bill, currently sidetracked by the 2012 election, would provide green cards to foreign nationals receiving advanced math and science degrees from U.S. colleges and universities and make it possible for entrepreneurs already in the U.S. to stay permanently.

    FORBES: An Innovation-Driven Path To Restoring U.S. Job Growth

  • The bill would release up to 55, 000 green cards for immigrants completing post-graduate degrees in a STEM field at U.S. research universities.

    FORBES: Obama To U.S. Tech Industry: Wait Your Turn For Immigration Reform

  • These include activists at universities, urban planners and liberal nonprofits, many of whom see in Obama's pro-green policies and multicultural agenda the fulfillment of their long-time fantasies.

    FORBES: New Geographer

  • As for other sporting venues, the Olympic Green Tennis Centre is now used by the Chinese Tennis Association, and several other sports centres are used by universities.

    BBC: Touring the cities of Olympics past

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