• Inky Rorschach trees turned into deep green pine boughs.

    WSJ: Learning to Dog Sled in Bavaria, Germany

  • The Green Pine radar is one of the best in the world and together with the X-Band radar system the US recently deployed in the Negev, Israel's ability to detect incoming missiles is significant.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: An urgent memo to the next government

  • The sprawling lake, estimated at being two thirds the area of Sydney Harbour, is framed by the Danbulla Forest, a green blanket of rainforest, pine and scrub that offers refuge to kangaroos, bird colonies and platypus.

    BBC: Escaping the heat in Far North Queensland

  • Crowned by saw tooth peaks, mantled in forest cloaks of green oak, chestnut and pine, and shot through with rushing rivers and tumbling cascades, Corsica is one of the most dramatic, diverse and downright gorgeous islands in the Mediterranean.

    BBC: Lonely Planet's top European seaside escapes

  • Watson was asked if he had done anything special or interesting with the green jacket he won last year with a miraculous shot off the pine straw in a playoff.

    WSJ: Grand National-Winning Jockey Leaves Hospital

  • From Finse, the train descends into the valleys of western Norway, with rich green farmland and flowing rivers, masked and revealed by thick stands of pine trees that blur as the train hurtles by.

    BBC: The perfect trip: Norway

  • When the mulch on the ground is made of leaves from fall past, pine needles of winter present and ever-so-slight hints of green desperately attempting to push through.

    FORBES: Imagine a World Without Innovation in: Literature

  • Walk along pastoral paths, vivid green rice paddies, past bright white dzongs (massive, awe-inspiring fortress monasteries), through forests of pine, and rhododendron and along glorious mountain passes where the elusive poppies nod in the breeze.

    FORBES: Connect

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