• The story of the fire is featured in a colorful new Internet exhibit: "The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory" chronicles the devastation and the inventions it wrought.

    CNN: Disaster is topic of new Web site

  • Christopher Wren's plans completely to remodel the city after the Great Fire were frustrated by the desire of merchants and traders to get back to business as soon as possible.

    ECONOMIST: London uncovered | The

  • While Mr Inwood spends several pages describing the Great Fire of 1666, with the help of accounts by contemporaries such as Pepys and Clarendon, Mr Sheppard devotes a single paragraph to describing one of the seminal events in London's history before moving on to the rather less gripping subject of the planning regulations that governed the rebuilding of the city.

    ECONOMIST: London uncovered

  • Regardless of how it happened, the devastation of the Great Chicago Fire quickly turned into one of the young city's great blessings, as the moment in history and the location at the heart of a growing industrial nation ensured that Chicago would not merely be rebuilt.

    BBC: The infamous architecture of Chicago

  • How would the BBC have reported events like the Great Fire of London in 1666 or the death of William the Conqueror in 1087?

    BBC: 1066 And all that

  • After the great fire of 1871, which destroyed the homes of a third of the city's inhabitants, Chicago decided to rebuild itself in style.

    ECONOMIST: To natural assets add art, learning and fun

  • The great Chicago fire in 1871 and the San Francisco earthquake and fire in 1906 were tides of destruction rolling for days across large, unfocused landscapes.

    CNN: Why the Titanic fascinates more than other disasters

  • Samuel Pepys, the diarist who told the story of the Great Fire of London set up one of the first pension schemes.

    BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Working Lunch | Pensions: Past, present and future

  • Other classics in the list include The Magnificent Seven, Brief Encounter, Chariots of Fire and The Great Escape.

    BBC: Rings music is 'best ever'

  • At a modest 80 miles per hour or so, he is a distinctly unflashy contrast to the fire and fizz of the great Dale Steyn at the other end.

    WSJ: Just One More Peak to Conquer

  • Hooke contributed greatly to the rebuilding of the City of London after the Great Fire of London.

    UNESCO: 2014 UK Memory of the World Register

  • Chicago marked the anniversary of the Great Fire by honoring its contemporary fire heroes.

    CNN: Disaster is topic of new Web site

  • On the north shore stand mounds of charred lumber -- 30 feet high in places -- from the Great Fire in 1871.

    FORBES: A most unromantic river

  • Thanks to the Great Fire of Copenhagen in 1795, long before America's fancy mortgage-backed securities first appeared, private Danish banks began financing mortgages through bond issues.

    ECONOMIST: Mortgage markets

  • Though the name may suggest an American mock-British theme pub, the Cheshire Cheese has been around since the Great Fire and former patrons include James Boswell, Voltaire, Thackeray and Dickens.

    CNN: London: Where to be seen

  • In the guided tours category, those ideas include the Seattle Underground Tour, which takes visitors through parts of Seattle buildings that were largely built over after the Great Fire of 1889.

    CNN: Natural wonders: A top 10 list

  • The same could have been said, though, about Sir Christopher Wren, whose 51 churches, and landmarks like Kensington Palace and Greenwich Naval Hospital, dominated the city after the Great Fire of London.

    BBC: Lord Foster: Stormin' Norman

  • If you think you can rival Samuel Pepys' description of pigeons "hovering about the windows and balconies till they burned their wings and fell down" when recounting the Great Fire of London, then get writing.

    BBC: 1066 And all that

  • From the deck, tick off architectural and historical glories as you sweep past: to your right, the Monument - Sir Christopher Wren's memorial to the Great Fire of 1666 - then Wren's towering achievement, dome-hatted St Paul's Cathedral.

    BBC: A perfect day in London

  • Consider, for example, the birth of modern architecture a remarkable result of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871.

    FORBES: Superstorm Sandy Offers a Rare Design Opportunity

  • The great Chicago Fire of October 8, 1871, apocrophally started in Mrs.

    FORBES: Post Fukushima-- burn more coal and oil, and hire more engineers not regulators

  • And hopefully constituents will hold people's feet to the fire that love to give great speeches about creating jobs and then send people home off the job sites.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • He was right to encourage the fire of liberty but wrong to lend his great name to Robespierre, Marat and the rest.

    WSJ: A Sourpuss? Moi?

  • Residents there have complained that flooding from the Great South Bay along Fire Island's northern shoreline has been more frequent and severe since Sandy.

    WSJ: The Fire Island Blues

  • The great thing about being able to fire a person or a contractor, or any kind of counterparty is that the option to terminate a contract brings accountability.

    FORBES: Who Doesn't Like Being Able to Fire People?

  • Mr Radulovich's great meteorological interest was the interaction of wind and fire a fitting concern for one who could never escape the scorching he had suffered in an era of super-heated scare-mongering.

    ECONOMIST: Milo Radulovich

  • Giunta had raced forward under fire at great risk to himself to render aid to the wounded and to rescue an injured G.

    FORBES: The Leader's Checklist

  • Like other insiders of his day, he made another fortune playing shorts on the way down, then spent the Great Depression buying up underpriced assets at fire sale prices, using his cash hoard to quickly enter new businesses like liquor distribution the moment Prohibition was lifted.

    FORBES: How To Protect Your Retirement Assets From The Coming Crash

  • Trafalgar House and the Old Fire Station are no longer needed by Great Yarmouth Borough Council after a round of redundancies.

    BBC: Trafalgar House and the Old Fire Station in Great Yarmouth

  • If you are interested in this check out a great book called "Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament" by Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.

    CNN: What are the chances my future kids will be bipolar?

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