• The U.S. needs an honest-to-God 12-step program to recover its long-term 3.5% annual growth potential.

    FORBES: America's 12-Step Program

  • Augustus Caesar was called Son of God -- Divi filius -- on Roman coins.

    CNN: Seeking the truth about Jesus

  • It kept me in the Word of God -- praying, trusting God, watching people saved and watching the church grow.

    CNN: November 19, 2012 -- Updated 1840 GMT (0240 HKT)

  • Mr Solzhenitsyn is an old-fashioned, God-fearing romantic: anti-industrial, anti-materialist, anti-Enlightenment, and against what he sees as the deadening excesses of rationalism.

    ECONOMIST: Solzhenitsyn��s Russia

  • But what if you think Shilling overstates the crisis or--God forbid--he is right but financial Armageddon is already priced into the market?

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • However, a real, honest-to-God, fly-to-the-market jetpack remains the province of science fiction.

    WSJ: Jetlev R200 Jetpack: Personal Flight, Beyond Bond

  • You have urged men and women of good will to take to their knees before God -- and to stand, unafraid, before tyrants.

    CNN: Transcript: President George W. Bush

  • Did it occur to anyone there that the pesky existence of us "career women" means that -- oh my God -- women read Forbes, too?

    FORBES: Readers Say

  • At this very minute at Buck's Restaurant, and probably on Wall Street, too, and certainly God-knows-everywhere on the Net, the whole tech industry is laughing--laughing its socks off--at me.

    FORBES: Been There, Done That

  • The lads let me off at a piste that descended at about 25 degrees for 50 yards or so, followed by a critical, God-help-you-if-you-miss-it right-hander bounded by sturdy hardwoods.

    WSJ: Snolo Stealth-X Review: A Pricey Way to Zip Down Your Private Mountain | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

  • For years we forgave Liam Gallagher and his swaggering, self-appointed rock-god role because - hey, he was the lead singer of Oasis and he sang 'Roll With It' and 'Wonderwall'.

    BBC: Stephen Morris reviews Gloucester band The Red Moccasins

  • And when they went to reclaim the Temple, the people of Jerusalem received another gift from God -- the oil that should have lasted only one night burned for eight.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Hanukkah Reception

  • Does anyone think that if -- God forbid -- the mission had gone sour, Obama's opponents would not have used it as the No. 1 reason to get him out of office?

    CNN: GOP's 'faux anger' is all the rage

  • From time to time the register manages to stop stolen items from being sold, like a 2nd-century Roman marble Janiform head--two heads joined back-to-back, like the god Janus--that was about to be auctioned in December 2001 in New York.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Britain's promise made to Jews in the Balfour Declaration of November 1917 laid the grounds for a Jewish home in the lands where God -- so does the Koran (5:20-21) of the Muslims record -- instructed Moses to take his people.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Reasonableness and rage

  • All but neglected in the rush of publicity are the implications, good and bad, of a game that allows the player to act, in effect, like God--fashioning people out of nothing, imbuing them with specific characteristics, providing situations and decisions that have consequences large and small.

    FORBES: Brave New World

  • Most people are used to juggling two discordant views of themselves and their fellow humans, one statistical, according to which what's normal is what most people do most of the time, and one rooted in what you could call the moral imagination: a there-but-for-the-grace-of-God capacity to put themselves into other people's moccasins, however horrible or untypical the circumstances.

    ECONOMIST: The silence of the lambs | The

  • Back when I was a kid, growing up on the mean streets of Mahopac, New York, we returned home from a day at school and did (always in this order) three things: First, we had a snack (long story, but my mother hid the treats in the trunk of our '80 Datsun 510, leaving my brother and me a choice of plain graham crackers, carrots or -- dear God -- homemade yogurt).

    CNN: Parents, why are you pushing your kids?

  • If her victory in Ames was no great surprise an evangelical Christian with hard-boiled pro-life, anti-gay-marriage credentials was always likely to prosper in the God-fearing cornfields of Iowa her disciplined comportment as a campaigner has been.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Meanwhile, staring down on all this is that see-no-evil, never-enforced God of regulation known as Sarbanes-Oxley.

    FORBES: JPMorgan: Fire Jamie Dimon!

  • Mormonism objects to making a big deal of the morbid agony of Jesus on the Cross at the expense of the more cheerful apparition of Man-made-into-God.

    NEWYORKER: I, Nephi

  • They're based on the emerging consensus we heard from all the groups with whom we spoke, including some of you who are victims of this god-awful occurrence -- ways to keep guns out of the wrong hands, as well as ways to take comprehensive action to prevent violence in the first place.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Introduces a Plan to Reduce Gun Violence

  • Nearly four decades after Microsoft was founded, it has finally delivered its first full- fledged, honest-to-God personal computer.

    FORBES: Links 6 Feb: Microsoft's Surface Pro Reviews. Not So Good Actually

  • "I would include the supernatural force - the presence of God - and then suggest that the man picked to do this kind of work be wise and that he should know how to gather strength not just from within himself but from God, " he says.

    BBC: Roman Catholic priest

  • Qualities that with her passing, we too - by the grace of God - may seek to put on afresh, in our own lives and the life of our nation and world.

    BBC: Archbishop's sermon in full

  • Mr Heston saw this as the plight of every white, rural, Protestant, god-fearing, gun-owning male in America.

    ECONOMIST: Charlton Heston

  • The God-fearing, flag-waiving, gun-toting homeschool crowd embodies the American spirit of mutual self-reliance.

    FORBES: Want To Tell The State To Stick It? Homeschool Your Kids

  • It is, of course, one thing to pick off a God-believing, pro-war Democrat senator like Lieberman in a secular and liberal state like Connecticut.

    FORBES: Where Is The "Netroots Left" On Israel?

  • James Freyn, the narrator, is 106, a dropped-out philosophiser, reminiscing into Cowley's tape-recorder about a trip he made in his 20s into the interior of a god-forsaken British colony in South America, to collect two horses from a French-Swiss religious nutter worshipped by robotically obedient natives.

    ECONOMIST: First novels

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