• The video did not address the troop surge, but Gadahn had a general warning to any countries partnering with the United States in the region.

    CNN: Al Qaeda offers 'condolences' for innocent victims

  • The fact that no decision has yet been made may even explain why some people in the administration feel comfortable about making general warning noises to Saddam.

    ECONOMIST: Foreign policy

  • The spokesperson noted that the Facebook log-in page is always encrypted, preventing someone from stealing your password, and also offered up a general warning for Web users.

    FORBES: Facebook Responds to Firesheep WiFi Security Controversy

  • One advisory is intended to make Capital One customers aware of the action and the other serves as a general warning to consumers who may encounter such deceptive practices.

    FORBES: What's In Your Wallet? If It's a Capital One Card, You May Be Due a Refund

  • Plaintiff lawyers have tried to put the focus solely on the behavior of the manufacturers, in order to avoid the messy question of whether consumers believed advertising that was directly contradicted by the warning on each pack of cigarettes from the U.S. Surgeon General warning them the product could kill them.

    FORBES: Judge Stubs Out Attempt At "Light" Cigarette Class Action

  • Hapag-Lloyd said a general travel warning for the area, issued by the German Foreign Ministry, played a part in the decision.

    CNN: German cruise ship to fly passengers over pirate hotspot

  • Never mind the Surgeon General's warning on both types of cigarettes that they can be killers.

    FORBES: Plaintiffs' Paradise

  • He quoted the Royal College of General Practitioners as warning the reforms would cause "irreparable damage" to patient care.

    BBC: Miliband urges PM to drop 'disastrous' NHS bill

  • Enormous public health campaigns, starting with the 1965 government mandate that the Surgeon General's warning adorn every pack, have helped drive down cigarette use.

    FORBES: Marlboro Man

  • But given that the Surgeon General's warning on smoking came in 1964, it's doubtful that many people needed a reminder of cigarettes' health risks 34 years later.

    FORBES: The Most Expensive Addictions

  • The flight training that he received in the Navy prompted the Transportation Security Administration to issue an alert, warning the general aviation community to be on the lookout for Mr. Dorner.

    WSJ: L.A. Authorities Announce $1 Million Reward for Ex-Officer Christopher Dorner

  • Because Congress clearly has nothing more important to focus on at the moment, Rep. Joe Baca (D) has just introduced a bill called the Video Game Health Labeling Act, which would require all violent video games to carry a Surgeon General-type explicit warning label on them.

    FORBES: Video Games Could Get Cigarette-Style Warning Labels

  • New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has a warning to Wall Street executives: Act improperly and you will lose your cushy pay.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • If recent reports of other U.S. demarches are any guide, the General will deliver an insistent warning that Israel must give sanctions more time to work and refrain from acting unilaterally.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: No-kidding red lines

  • And Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh also said India would not do anything to complicate matters for Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, despite a warning by the General to India not to exploit his country's current crisis.

    BBC: Analysis: India firm over Kashmir

  • General Surayud is, sensibly, warning his countrymen that the road to peace will be arduous.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand and Malaysia

  • General David Petraeus was quoted as warning that Pakistan could be mere weeks from falling to their onslaught.


  • Earlier this month, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez wrote a letter warning Alabama's education department that the law has had "lasting" and possibly illegal consequences for Hispanic school children.


  • Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's warning came as he urged forces loyal to al-Assad and rebels to allow civilians to leave the town of Qusayr, the latest flashpoint in the more than two-year-old conflict that has left about 80, 000 people dead.


  • Michel Jarraud (Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization) presented early warning systems for the protection of coastal communities.

    UNESCO: Ecological Sciences for Sustainable Development

  • He has given warning that, when the next general election comes round in 2002, he will be hard to beat.

    ECONOMIST: The chancellor gets his deal

  • So there has been a well-established and heartfelt desire on the more moderate left to claim that Orwell was indeed a genuine socialist whose warning was aimed at totalitarianism in general, not at the left per se.

    BBC: 1984: George Orwell's road to dystopia

  • The chief executive of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board wrote to the director general of the NHS in Wales last month warning that the flooding left communities "virtually isolated" and prevented ambulances reaching Bangor's main hospital, Ysbyty Gwynedd.

    BBC: A55 north Wales: ?3m to keep bottleneck open near Bangor

  • But some sociologists, such as Millsom Henry-Waring of the University of Melbourne, have given warning that electronic forms of communication in general and digital-dating services in particular are gradually changing society's conception of relationships and marriage for the worse by encouraging people to view partners as commodities that can simply be traded in for better versions at the click of a computer mouse.

    ECONOMIST: Online dating

  • Realizing this, Director General Irina Bokova assigned emergency funds to the Tsunami Early Warning System for the Caribbean earlier this year, keeping us on track for our work.

    UNESCO: Let's be prepared for tsunami threat in Caribbean, Gulf

  • Although it will contain little more than platitudes about friendship, co-operation and the world in general, it is clearly intended as a gesture of warning to the United States that the Russia-China axis is not to be underestimated.

    ECONOMIST: The Olympics

  • The Arab League secretary general has called for an end to shootings in Syria, warning snipers remain a threat.

    BBC: Syria unrest: Arab League calls for end to shooting

  • Perhaps, in the end, a higher price will be a far more effective warning sticker than anything America's surgeon-general could ever dream up.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • The move follows a warning from the SEC and the New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer that the NYSE was expected to clean up its corporate governance and bring itself up to the standards of a publicly quoted company.

    BBC: New York market dispute heightens

  • With union leaders warning of the biggest wave of strikes since the General Strike of 1926, Norman Tebbit expresses his concern that this government does not look as robust as the one led by the Lady who was "not for turning".

    BBC: Lord Tebbit urges caution on strike laws

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