• Keep in mind that these are only general guidelines and that state and local laws may be more restrictive.

    FORBES: Using Volunteers and Interns: Is It Legal?

  • Below are the general guidelines I have developed over the years for analyzing conflicts which I regularly use in reviewing client investments.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Proposals should be based on the selection criteria listed in the General Guidelines to Safeguard Documentary Heritage, which stipulates that the most important criterion for inscription on the register is the universal significance of the documentary heritage.

    UNESCO: Communication and Information

  • When Crowley made it known beforehand that she regarded those rules as general guidelines rather than canon law, she was immediately embroiled in controversy, with the co-chairman of the Commission On Presidential Debates publicly admonishing her on her contemplated waywardness.

    FORBES: The Real Winners Of The Second Debate: Candy Crowley, CNN And Voters

  • This nonprofit, whose work originated in a postwar federal program, is now overseen by architects, builders and clinicians who created the children's hospital guidelines as part of an update of general hospital guidelines from 2010.

    WSJ: Children's Hospitals Make Room for Mom, Dad and Diversions

  • However, the governors themselves are now coming under attack, after it emerged that they did not examine the veracity of Mr Gilligan's report before backing him, but merely whether general reporting guidelines had been followed.

    ECONOMIST: The battles back home | The

  • While it's ultimately up to each organization's culture to deem what is fit, human resource professionals, like Sheridan and Kurtz, say general dress guidelines are useful as they create some parameters and expectations around what is considered appropriate.

    CNN: Decoding the workplace dress code

  • Do police departments in general have specific guidelines for dealing with that particular situation, with a situation where what you've really got at first is just an angry person?

    NPR: Black And Blue: Police And Minorities

  • Eric Holder, Mr Obama's attorney-general, issued FOIA guidelines to agency and department heads encouraging disclosure, and promising that his Justice Department would take a much narrower view of what constitutes a defensible withholding of information than his predecessor's had.

    ECONOMIST: Government transparency

  • The FEC ruled unanimously in March 2007 that presidential candidates could accept general election public financing, provided that they return any money raised for the general election while following certain guidelines.

    CNN: McCain attacks Obama for opting out of public financing

  • Dr. James Perrin, the director of the division of general pediatrics at the Mass General Hospital for Children in Boston, says it takes more than one doctor's visit to get an ADHD diagnosis right. (Perrin helped write guidelines for diagnosing ADHD in general practice or family practice settings, which were published in 2000, but did not participate in Garland's study).

    CNN: Youngest kids in class more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD

  • Failure to comply with the guidelines may lead to the director general taking court action against the use of unfair terms by the organisation concerned.

    BBC: cash machine

  • This is -- the memo that was sent out today to U.S. attorneys simply adds guidelines to a decision that Attorney General Holder talked about in mid-March, and has been administration policy since the beginning of this administration in January.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • And within a few days, the attorney general, Eric Holder, had signed the new guidelines.

    WSJ: U.S. Terrorism Agency to Tap a Vast Database of Citizens

  • Fortunately, this not the only study to explore the potential for reducing cardiovascular disease and cancer in the general population by promoting adherence to a set of health guidelines.

    FORBES: To Combat Some Big Diseases, We Should Focus On The Basics

  • And none of these presidents and their attorneys general decided that we needed to have a significant modification of those guidelines.

    CNN: Key Republican blasts new FBI guidelines

  • In deciding that the Code of Conduct complied with the NLRA, the General Counsel considered the Code within the overall context of the Ethical Guidelines.

    FORBES: NLRB Grounds Union Challenge to Boeing's Code of Conduct

  • The charter contains 16 general principles and 60 supporting principles, or ways to implement the principal guidelines.

    CNN: Earth Charter sets course for sustainable living

  • Ronnie Smith, general secretary of the EIS teaching union, said the publication of the guidelines represented "an important milestone" in the process of implementing the curriculum.

    BBC: Teachers schooled on curriculum

  • "Attorney General Eric Holder's plans to sit down with media representatives to discuss guidelines for handling investigations into leaks to the news media have run into trouble, " CNN reports.

    WSJ: Best of the Web Today: The Anti-Mentor Responds

  • He says that after the May 1997 general election he continued to support the Shepherds within the bounds permitted by ministerial guidelines and was content with the Shepherds' final planning application.

    ECONOMIST: Newcastle: The best laid plans | The

  • The Director-General highlighted UNESCO's will to support the implementation of milestone UN Security Council Resolution 1998 through technical guidelines.


  • Jim Docherty, acting general secretary of the Scottish Secondary Teachers Association (SSTA) said its members would certainly not endorse the teaching guidelines in their current state.

    BBC: Teachers schooled on curriculum

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