• Her father, Clifton Fadiman, who died in June at the age of 95, was a reviewer, critic, essayist and general book collector.

    ECONOMIST: Small but perfectly formed | The

  • The old, general-interest book clubs are never going to be able to match big online retailers on range, or on discounted bestsellers.

    ECONOMIST: New life in the old club

  • Just consider the fans of police shows in general, fans of those procedural shows, fans of more fantastical crime-related shows (such as Medium), the large number of mainstream Batman fans in general, comic book fans, and fans of shows like The Walking Dead would all be part of your target audience.

    FORBES: How Warner Bros Could Reboot Batman - Part 1

  • Aimed, despite its girth, at a general audience, the book deserves one in every way.

    ECONOMIST: British history

  • "Cinderella" was completely reconsidered each time it was produced, in 1957, 1965, 1997 and now in 2013: Not only songs but characters, scenes, plot elements, book and general direction were continually changed.

    WSJ: Cinderella: That Flexible Fairy Tale

  • She spent months embedded alongside the then-general in Afghanistan while researching her 2011 book, All In: The Education of General David Petraeus.

    BBC: CIA director David Petraeus resigns over affair

  • Ms Coffey attacked the proposals, which are broadly similar to measures the Labour government failed to get onto the statute book before the general election.

    BBC: Bryant calls for mandatory sex and relationship lessons

  • And with a new crime against religious hate expected to reach the Statute Book before the general election, this is not an issue that will go away quietly.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Birmingham becomes stage for a tragedy

  • Indeed, the two have already written a book for the general reader outlining their model, Endless Universe, which includes the notion that the universe is the product of a collision between multi-dimensional membranes.

    FORBES: While Physicists Celebrate Higgs, Cosmologists Fret About The Big Bang Model

  • With over 600 pages of good-quality paper, his is a massive three-decked battleship of a book, in general handsomely produced, but let down by some poorly designed colour plates, including a number of reversed images.

    ECONOMIST: British naval history

  • The book details the general's rise through the ranks, from his time as a West Point cadet to serving in the 82nd Airborne Corps and earning his Special Forces Green Beret, and then commanding a battalion of the 75th Ranger regiment.

    NPR: McChrystal Takes Blame For Rolling Stone Article

  • But the general brilliance of illumination makes this book a feast of provocation.


  • With book readership declining in general and Amazon snagging a lot of the remaining business, things aren't easy for traditional booksellers.


  • Digital Equipment and Data General (which inspired a bestselling book called The Soul of a New Machine) got rich selling them.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Witnesses to History is literature appropriate for students and the general public, and a reference book for specialists, scholars and decision-makers.

    UNESCO: Culture

  • About five years ago, the general, who had read my book, Start with No, invited me to discuss business-leadership and negotiation topics for a taped television program, in Tampa, FL. And because we were both veterans, we shared a great conversation afterwards.

    FORBES: General H. Norman Schwarzkopf: Negotiator and Military Man

  • Jack Welch, the recently retired chairman of General Electric, had to postpone his book tour.

    CNN: Book sales reflect hard times in America

  • Another reason Walters attributes to growing interest not only in the Dallas Comic Con, but in comic conventions in general, is the success of comic book films -- particularly ones based on Marvel comics.


  • For example, the book uses the bailout of General Motors as its prime case of the folly of letting the government manage a company, which turned out to be a problem in the Michigan primary, since G.

    NEWYORKER: Money Pol

  • In this context, Minister Poghosyan underscored the successful impact of the designation of Yerevan as the World Book Capital in 2012 and invited the Director-General to attend the closing celebration on 10-11 December coinciding with the 500th anniversary of the first Armenian printed book in the country.

    UNESCO: The Director-General and the Bulgarian Minister of Culture advocate for strengthening regional cooperation in South East Europe | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, casts a menacing shadow over the first half of the book, which adds to the general impression of poverty and gloom.

    ECONOMIST: Travel writing

  • Microsoft also faced a stream of negative publicity in China after the company was accused of arrogance in a book written by its former Chinese general manager.

    BBC: China denies Microsoft 'ban'

  • Despite the general squishiness of its central character, the book abounds with colorful personalities in supporting roles, such as W. Graham Arader III, the bombastic map dealer who pretty much created today's hot market in antique-map collecting.

    FORBES: Atlas Unbound

  • Last year's General Prize was won by Philip Ball for his book Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another.

    BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Electric book wins science prize

  • In general, the women in our club appreciated the book more than the men did, but we also liked it for the most part, though the end left some wanting more.

    FORBES: Dud Avocado: Chick Lit Needs More Than This

  • In baseball circles, that's an accomplishment most notably associated with Oakland A's General Manager Billy Beane, the subject of the book Moneyball, for the string of winning clubs he put together earlier in the decade on budgets that resembled the petty cash drawers of the Yankees or Red Sox.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In a fast-moving world where technological innovation has brought new developments in e-books and online access to contents of books, UNESCO Secretary General Irina Bokova has maintained that in celebrating World Book Day, it is important to remember that there can be no book development without consideration for copyright, especially when digitization further exposes books to risks of illicit use.

    UNESCO: 2010 World Book Day

  • She was General Editor of the five volume collection The History of the Book in the West (Ashgate 2010).

    UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Network

  • Easily the longest chapter of this extraordinary book is devoted to what is, for the general reader, the least interesting subject.

    ECONOMIST: History of the net

  • While Mr Gilder's enthusiasm never flags, the general reader will find much of the first half of the book tough going.

    ECONOMIST: Praise the baud | The

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