This is the second big-time security failure this year -- the White House gate crashers and now the Detroit bomber.
CNN: The case for firing Janet Napolitano
The Qianmen area, particularly southeast of the Qianmen gate -- home to Dashilar and Meyer's house -- and south of the Beijing Railway Station, was where one can best see the juxtaposition of demolished neighborhoods amid the new buildings that would replace them, Leong noted.
CNN: Beijing's past faces its future
These days there is a gold-standard tick-list: a house behind a gate (Belgravia for Italians, Chelsea for Russians), a Gerhard Richter for the wall, the kids in one of a handful of schools, the right portfolio of charities, a place in the country not too far from London.
ECONOMIST: Assimilating plutocrats
It began with a truck bomb outside the front gate of the prison, and that explosion demolished a two-story house in front of the prison.
NPR: Taliban Frees Prisoners in Kandahar
With the House and Senate both back in business this week, Front-gate should be subjected to close congressional scrutiny since it may involve the most strategically ominous case of official misconduct since the Clinton Administration's China-gate.
If you enter the Jardin des Plantes through the gate nearest to my house you will see a statue overlooking the garden that honours - according to the inscription on the plinthe - the founder of the theory of evolution.
BBC: Part Three - France and the World