• They said winter fuel allowance should be limited to those receiving pension credit.

    BBC: 'Target winter fuel benefit to pay for elderly care'

  • They suggested doing things such as taxing winter fuel allowance or even removing it from pensioners who are higher-rate taxpayers.

    BBC: Budget 2013: Who has lost the most and the least?

  • The Winter Fuel Allowance Payments Bill is a private members' bill that is being sponsored by SNP MP Mike Weir.

    BBC: Winter Fuel Allowance Payments Bill

  • Brown was so shaken by the outcry he invented the non means-tested winter fuel allowance to placate his elderly critics.

    BBC: Budget 2012: Will the 'granny tax' backlash last?

  • Mr Cable called for pensioners' benefits such as the winter fuel allowance, free TV licences and travel passes to be taxed.

    BBC: Lib Dem Vince Cable warning over spending cuts

  • These included the free TV licences and travel concessions that older people are entitled to as well as the winter fuel allowance.

    BBC: Elderly care: The other options

  • The statement comes amid speculation that the winter fuel allowance and other payments could be means-tested under a new round of spending cuts.

    BBC: David Cameron

  • He also argues that pensioners' top-up benefits - the free bus pass, TV licence and winter fuel allowance - should be means-tested for the richest.

    BBC: Nick Clegg: It's sausage time

  • He is also urging an end to the ring-fencing of certain budgets, including the NHS, schools and universal benefits such as the pensioners' winter fuel allowance.

    BBC: Budget 2013: 'UK government should build more homes'

  • One piece of good news was the announcement of an additional 40 euros payment to households in receipt of the winter fuel allowance because of the recent harsh weather.

    BBC: Irish Republic's austerity plan: Key points at-a-glance

  • Allow early payment of Winter Fuel Allowance to pensioners whose homes are not connected to the mains grid, and instead use oil, liquid petroleum gas or propane gas for heating.

    BBC: Bill-by-bill: Guide to MPs' private members' bills

  • Fox will also call for an end to the ring-fencing of budgets for the NHS, schools and international development, and the end of universal benefits such as the pensioners' winter fuel allowance.

    BBC: liam fox

  • The union also successfully disputed Mr Scargill's fuel allowance at his Barnsley home and payment for the preparation of his annual tax return but not the cost of his security system in Yorkshire.

    BBC: Arthur Scargill

  • Opening the debate, shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint said that instead of helping, ministers were "making things worse" as a result of their decision to cut the winter fuel allowance and subsidies for solar panels.

    BBC: Democracy Live site links

  • He may also regret hinting on BBC Radio 4's World at One that he would re-examine benefits which go to even the richest pensioners such as Winter Fuel Allowance, free bus passes and free TV licence.

    BBC: Nick Clegg �C Stand by for more cuts

  • For example during the party's welfare review, should a One Nation Labour Party defend the principle of universal benefits - or would its concern for the poor cost, for example, better off pensioners their winter fuel allowance?

    BBC: Labour conference: One-nation under an Ed?

  • Asked about his policy on universal benefits for pensioners, such as the winter fuel allowance, the Labour leader said he was a supporter of the payment and there was independent evidence that it had been effective at tackling fuel poverty.

    BBC: Pensioner in front of heater

  • The bill would allow for the early payment of the winter fuel allowance to people whose homes are not connected to the mains gas grid and whose principal source of fuel is home fuel oil, liquid petroleum gas or propane gas.

    BBC: Winter Fuel Allowance Payments Bill

  • The BBC understands discussions are continuing in Whitehall about whether it is possible to limit pensioner benefits - such as the winter fuel allowance, bus pass and free TV licence - without breaking Prime Minister David Cameron's election promise that he would preserve them.

    BBC: Welfare spending to be cut by ?4bn, says George Osborne

  • On top of this, the paper suggests scrapping current rules that guarantee that the state pension "will rise annually by an average of 0.26% more than earnings" and restricting universal benefits to pensioners, such as winter fuel allowance, free TV licences and free bus travel.

    BBC: Pensioners should pay more tax, argues Fabian Society

  • Currently older people can qualify for the winter fuel allowance on the third Monday in September, but Mr Weir is proposing that homes in England, Wales and Scotland not connected to the mains gas should have access to their money in the third week of July instead.

    BBC: Winter Fuel Allowance Payments Bill

  • The court was also asked whether there was a limit to the fuel allowance for Mr Scargill's house in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, and if the NUM was expected to meet the costs of its security system and his annual tax return for the rest of his life.

    BBC: Arthur Scargill

  • No inflation linking, no allowance for more expensive repairs, no allowance for increasing costs such as fuel.

    BBC: Have Your Say: Replacement car costs

  • The only specific commitments given by Mr Portillo were that a Tory government would cut taxes on business and enterprise, cut duties on fuel, restore the married couple's tax allowance and provide encouragement to increase private spending on health.

    ECONOMIST: On the up

  • There will now be no second home allowance or claims for food, furniture and fittings, fuel, mortgage interest, rent or council tax.

    BBC: In full: MP expenses reform plans

  • Alongside that pain he's offered voters some gains - the cancellation of the next planned fuel duty rise and another small income tax cut by an increase in the personal tax allowance.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • She said cuts in fuel duty, the freezing of council tax and increases in the level of personal tax allowance would help families, while the new Universal Credit would make three million households better off and help 80, 000 with childcare costs.

    BBC: Budget: Chancellor urged to avoid 'break-up' measures

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