• In its recent negotiations, Google is pushing four key points: that free information flows are important for the global economy, that trade should not be restricted by the regulation of the Internet, that all players on the Web are treated fairly and that laws should be put in place to make any Internet restrictions transparent.

    FORBES: Google's Free Trade Agenda

  • Rivers such as the Tyne, Ouse and Tone fell to their lowest and rose to their highest flows since records began, within a four-month period of the year.

    BBC: Science & Environment

  • Hot Springs National Park officials closed the valves to spigots at four public access points, where the 143-degree mineral water normally flows.

    CNN: Shutdown touches many lives across U.S.

  • As Srini Rangan and I described in our book, Capital Rising, capital flows to countries and regions based largely on the relative strengths of their EEs consisting of four factors: corporate governance, financial markets, human capital, and IP regime.

    FORBES: Did China Swipe $120 Million From Goldman Sachs?

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